Friday, June 29, 2012

Phoenix Questionaire

The Pheonix Questionnaire returns!
For those of you who don't know, the pheonix questionnaire is a question each week which you can answer to earn platoon points for your platoon. The best response will be awarded with additional points!
This week's question is...

What is the most important thing that you and your team should have during a firedrill? Why do you think so?

This "thing" can be anything: it does not have to be a physical object.

Each response is worth 15 points, while the best response is given 50 points!

Send in your responses by 3rd July, Tuesday, before 9pm to for your response to be awarded points.

~Your Sirs

Monday, June 25, 2012

Evac Silver Re-accreds

Hey guys! This wednesday we will be having the Evac Silver re-accreds. Those who did not pass the first time will have to take the accreds again this wednesday. So make sure to revise on your Evac and ace the test this time!

~Your sirs

Friday, June 22, 2012

Evac Silver Results

Hey guys! The results for your Evac(S) is out!

Below are the results of the Evac (S) Accreds:

Jun Wei
Li Yuan
Si Qi

Yu Jun (Prac only)
Jia Cheng (Prac only)
Mahesh (Both)

This means that everyone in b62 has Evac (S) other than:
1. Mahesh (need Evac (S))
2. Ryan (need Evac (B) & (S) Practicals)
3. Sakthivel (need Evac (B); need Evac (S) Practical)
4. Yu Jun (need Evac (S) Practical)
5. Jia Cheng (need Evac (S) Practical)

If you didnt pass, dont be discouraged. You could always mug abit more and ace it the next time!

~ Your sirs

Contact List

Hey cadets! There have been requests for the Contact List, and it has been uploaded. Sorry for the delay and any inconvenience it might have caused. The contact list can be found on the right side of the blog, below the search bar and to the right of the Blog Archive and the Platoon points list ( yes the dropbox link ). The document is password-protected, and you should all know the password by now, and dont forget about training next monday!

~ Your Sirs

Training Reminders

Hey guys! Just a small reminder, there will be training as per usual this Monday 25th June. The term has started and thus our trainings will commence as well, every monday and wednesday during the usual time. Term 3 is almost here so good luck for that as well!

~ Your sirs

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Acestar camp consent form


This is the link to the consent form for Acestar. Those who are going, please download it, print it, sign it and bring it to camp.

See you in two days' time, and sorry for uploading it so late.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Acestar camp details

Here are the details for Acestar camp.

Reporting time: 9th June, Saturday, 0900 hours
Reporting location: Main Atrium
Reporting attire: Mufti (PE kit)
Dismissal time: 11th June, Monday, 1300 hours.
Dismissal location: RI

The whole camp will be at RI. 

EDIT: Important details added. Do take note of them.

Here's the link to the packlist:

Take note that you can just bring you school uniform and tie since you don't have your Red Cross Uniform yet (yes I know HQ is horribly slow with this kind of stuff...but I believe (don't quote me on this) they're coming soon).

EDIT2: Sorry for the incessant edits, but just to inform you that you can wear your PE t-shirts or house t-shirts for the camp.

Have fun, and make friends with people from other schools!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Platoon points and Best Sec 1 and 2 for Himara


The long-awaited platoon points for Himara are here!

Epsilon: 610 points
Iota: 595 points
Omega: 565 points

We apologise for the delay, because it took us some time to collate the points and moderate them. We moderated the points a lot to prevent them from outweighing the platoon points earned during normal trainings too much.

Don't worry if your platoon lost out slightly - the platoon points are still very close, so it's still very possible to catch up even if your platoon is lagging behind somewhat.

As for the best sec 1 and 2, we've chosen Aloysius and Li Yuan respectively after some discussion. As such, Iota will receive 100 points (50 points for each). But don't be discouraged if you haven't won it, since you'll have a chance in future camps (like November camp this year). Learn from the winners and you might be able to be the winner next time (since we try not to let people win twice in a row).

There's no real "secret technique" or anything - just be enthusiastic, be a good batchmate or platoonmate to your friends, and be disciplined. We don't demand perfection or anything, and we believe anyone can get this award if only he gives his all.

We'll have some rewards ready for the two winners on the first training after the holidays (T2W1 Monday) :D. So don't pon training :P.

Enjoy the rest of your holidays!

Rendezvous with destiny to reign and to serve

This is awesome. And funny.
Take it as DVOTW edition number <whatever it is>

In any case, good job with surviving Himara. Unless you didn't come. In which case, boo.
We hope that you were really inspired by all the achievements of the past batches. Those people, our long string of our (spiritual) "ancestors", didn't have all our fanciful stuff to work with - no Facebook/twitter/myspace/friendster/telephones (omgwtfbbq how does one do it without telephones) or whatever it is. However, they still managed to achieve excellence with the unit -- and it wasn't by any miracle, or because people back then was magically infused with power two times more than what we have now. No, it's because they were committed. They were committed to RIRC, and they strove and fought hard to bring glory to the unit.
Keep in mind that they were the exact same ages as you guys are when they managed to win all those competitions, achieve all those achievements (hurr) and most importantly, develop themselves and others into people with fine, outstanding characters. If those people, lacking all the luxuries that we possess now can do it, so can you.

See you guys when school reopens. We hope that your warrior spirit's still there ;)

More awesome dance videos now to make up for the long hiatus :)
Yay. This guy's self-taught (i.e. loads of talent and all) and bloody pro. So yeah.
Anyways, here's one more with a VERY cool concept

That's all for this week. So yeah.

Sighing off,
~Your sirs

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Committee chart for 2012-2013

Hi everyone,

Here's our new committee chart. If you have any questions about what each person is supposed to do, feel free to ask on the chatbox. But you should understand roughly what the chairperson and vice-chairperson do. The chief specialists and training executive will be the ones deciding how much you're going to enjoy your lessons and whether you get your badges. The projects executive is in charge of extra events like PN and such. Admin executive just does admin - logistics, attendance, keeping track of badges, money, etc. As for PMs, if you still don't know what they do...

We hope to be able to lead and serve you well as NCOs for the coming year, so do give us your support so we can bring RIRC to even greater heights.