This is the rough format for a proposal. I know the PMs have probably been telling your OICs or 2ICs about how to write a proposal, but I guess an additional guide can't hurt.
Cover page - include the most important details (date, time, venue, etc.). Also write that the proposal is written by XX platoon, and of course the name of the event.
Overview and objectives - have a short description of what the event is about. Then, in point form, write out the objectives of the event (e.g. to promote platoon bonding, etc.).
Committee chart - include a committee chart with all the roles and the names of the people who hold them.
Safety details - discuss how you will manage safety during the event itself. You should include the safety protocols cadets are to follow during the events, as well as the safety procedures the organisers (your platoon) must take note of.
Manpower allocation - this is essentially a massive chart summarising exactly what each person in your platoon should be doing at a particular time. It should look somewhat like this:
Time Venue Activity Name Position Role
0800 - S. Raja Block Reporting Tom 2IC Admin Take attendance
Everyone in your platoon
must be included in the manpower allocation table.
Activity details - most important section in the proposal. Include detailed descriptions of exactly what will be happening during the event itself. Basically, try to focus on what cadets will go through. It might help to think about it as such: what will I want to say when I'm briefing the cadets during the actual event? Write it down as if you were briefing the cadets, but in complete sentences of course (or point form).
The manpower allocation will mostly cover all the background work that might not be in the activity details. However, important information about some of the background work (e.g. where exactly the casualties will be hiding, etc.) should be included in the activity details. Please don't include things like where the logistics ICs should be though.
Logistics - Produce a table with the following format:
Item Quantity Source Remarks
Glowsticks 40 Supermarket - Logistics IC will buy ...
If your proposal is very complicated, an additional column for the activity that the item will be used for might be helpful.
Appendices (if any) - include any additional information, rubrics for competitions, etc. that is not essential to the proposal. These might be used by only 1-2 specific people.