Ok yeah this post is mostly directed towards the sec 2s cos there's a gold modular workshop coming up and you guys can finally join(!!)
Basically, gold modular workshops are where you get accredited for subjects and they're the only ways you can get your Gold ranking for like Evacuation or Outdoor Activities so it's like very cool stuff and all. Yes.
So you guys will be eligible for:
FA(G) - most of you passed SFA
RCK(G) - most of you have RCK(S)
Evac(G) - just have Silver reaccreds during the 1 week period after the EOYs
FD (G) - just have Silver reaccreds during the 1 week period after the EOYs
OA (G) - ...if you want we can possibly hold external trainings to get you guys to pass Silver, after the EOYs (but really OA is pretty useless hur)
Basically, you can join any subject, although there's a quantity limit of 5 applies.
And don't ask me about the sudden font change.
Anyway, I'd really suggest signing up for the subjects that you're more passionate about and have more interest in because gold modular workshops don't come very often and you guys must have a gold by the time you're an NCO anyway so might as well just get one early and be done with it (only people with Gold can accred others for bronze/silver)
Also, it's a chance for you to get to go to some HQ event since most of you probably haven't and it'll be interesting. Yeah. And hopefully fun.
If you want further details, http://www.orangenode.net/uip2011/Circulars/GMW%20%28Oct%202012%29%20-%20Letter%20To%20Schools.pdf
EDIT: Please send an email to the batch group, rircb61@googlegroups.com, with your top three choices, in order.
For RCK (G), please form a team of 2-5 members. The bigger the team, the better. Please send one email stating all members of the team.
EDIT: Please send an email to the batch group, rircb61@googlegroups.com, with your top three choices, in order.
For RCK (G), please form a team of 2-5 members. The bigger the team, the better. Please send one email stating all members of the team.
ALSO, if you're interested in UIP, it'd be good to have a gold in your area of specialisation as well.
UIP is basically the Unit Instructor's Programme, where you learn how to teach (so you're taught how to teach). It's pretty useful for some people and it also allows you to get connections from other units.
The thing about it though is that you have to choose one subject, like FD, to specialise in, so they give you more tips on how to teach FD as compared to other subjects.
As such, if you're interested for UIP and specialising in, say, RCK, it'd be good to get an RCK gold this time roudn.
Do note though that priority will be given to NCOs!