Monday, November 26, 2012

Consent form for camp


The consent form for camp is finally here!

Sorry again for uploading them so late.

Reminder for November camp

Hey guys,

This is a reminder that November camp is from 28th - 30th Nov, Wednesday to Friday.

Camp will start at 8.00am on 28th November, and end at 1.30pm on 30th November.

The reporting area is S. Rajaratnam Block foyer. PE attire or unit t-shirt should be worn.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Project Otella camp pack list


Here's the pack list for November camp. Sorry for uploading it so late.

We're rushing the teachers for the consent forms. Hopefully they'll be out in a few days' time.

*UPDATE* Please add in the following items in the packlist

  • Promotion Form x 1 (filled up)

*UPDATE 2* Even if you know you don't meet the promotion criteria, you should still bring your uniform and tie or RCU because you might get promoted in principle.

*UPDATE 3* There's also no need for the mug since we will be drinking packet drinks.  Note that the bottles do not have to be Coke bottles.
*UPDATE 4* We have received many queries about missing uniform parts/incomplete uniform parts. If you have any of these, please bring your School Uniform + Tie. Missing incentive badges such as Evacuation, Footdrill etc, are not considered as missing uniform parts.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Promotion forms


I hope you still remember the promotion forms that we briefed you all about quite a long time ago. We apologise for forgetting about these forms until now.

Filling in this form is necessary for you to get promoted. So please print the form out, fill in whatever details you can, and bring it for camp. We will give you the signatures in camp if you have met the respective criteria.

For Year 2s, please download and print this form:

For Year 1s, please download and print this form:

Thanks! See you in a week's time for camp!

Monday, November 19, 2012

November Camp Promotions 2012

Dear all,

Please be reminded to bring your promotion forms for November Camp 2012. We haven't uploaded the form yet, so please wait for it.

If you have any problems with your promotion forms, please contact your respective Platoon Mentors.

As for November Camp 2012 Packlist and Consent Form, we will be uploading them soon.

As such, please check the blog regularly between now and camp.

Thank you.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

FA Refresher training on Thursday 15/11/12

Hi All
         This is just a reminder that there WILL be FA Refresher training tomorrow as per usual arrangements, from 0900 to 1500. It's the last session so do try to make the most of it by putting in your best and clarifying any doubts that you still have. Your trainers are generally very happy with the progress that most of you have made since last week, so keep up the standards! :)

Thanks and Have a Nice Day :)


Sunday, November 11, 2012

FA Refresher Trainings for Promotion Test

Hi All
        We'll be organizing the last two FA Refresher trainings on the 14th (Wednesday) and 15th (Thursday). The timing will be the same as last week, from 0900 to 1500. Attendance will be COMPULSORY.

Anyway some observations from last week's trainings from your Team Leaders/Trainers:

1. Good improvement in Team Dynamics and Communications! Most of you guys were able to respond to unfamiliar or drastic team configurations by being teamed up with different people at impromptu timings, and yet were able to handle the scenarios satisfactorily. Also most cadets made the effort to talk to their team mates and try to involve them or engage them in treatment of casualties~~less eye-powering.

2. FA knowledge and Bandaging Proficiency---could do a lot better. While most cadets 'know' how to tie correct bandages for most injuries that we threw at them throughout the last two trainings, they floundered when met with unconventional/uncommon injuries that require advanced experience (i.e mugging FA handbooks) or Improvisation.
An example would be an injury of "Burns to the Back"---the correct treatment would be to reverse the application of a normal chest bandage such that it now covers the burnt back area. During competitions and during your Promotion Test itself, you should Expect the Unexpected---do not expect the same old, typical scenarios or injuries every time.
Bandage Quality----still need more work on timing and quality, but a good improvement was observed in most cadets. Partly due to the 'stressful mentality' of scenarios that motivate people to tie them better.
CPR management---still needs more practice, but not such a big problem.

3. Reassuring of Casualties; Conduct & Professionalism----satisfactory and improving :)
Most cadets were able to get the hang of reassuring the casualty after some practice, handling the SAMPLE questions and approach of the casualty in an acceptably proficient manner. However you guys need to be more aware of your Conduct throughout the entire scenario---make-believe and faux it may appear, you will be expected to uphold the highest levels of professionalism and seriousness as First Aiders under any circumstance. Once again, do NOT:
-Laugh or joke around with team mates during treatment or in front of casualties. (X)

-Express doubts or appear unsure in front of the casualty in too obvious a manner. While you can (and should!) clarify any doubts in the course of treatment, do so discreetly. Do not reveal blatantly that you have 'forgotten' or "Don't know" how to treat nay injuries in earshot of the casualty (X)

-Treat the casualty or any passers-by with Rudeness or Disrespect The casualty or passers-by (their family members, friends, the public etc.) may panic or get distressed, but that does not give you the right to treat them rudely or violently. Approach them in a calm, courteous but firm manner by: (Asserting your role as a FAider) (Asking them to calm down/Go away, whichever is applicable) (EXPLAIN why---might obstruct course of treatment, aggravate injuries of casualty etc.)

Yup so that's basically the sum-up for last week's FA Refresher trainings. If you have any questions or doubts, do feel free to approach any NCO, or preferably, your Team leaders, for clarification. **OF COURSE---please do mug the FA Addendum as well as FA (B), (S) theory material in preparation for your tests (located in the Treasure Chest link below) . As they say, a little knowledge goes a long way, and it'll definitely be useful for your future promotions or accreditations eventually.

Have a Nice Break :)

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Extra trainings for promotion test


We'll be having the two extra trainings for the promotion test on 7th and 9th November (Wednesday and Friday respectively). They will last from 9am to 3pm, with a lunch break in between.

EDIT: The location of the trainings should be at the third floor of the Yusof Ishak Block.

Hope you can make it.

EDIT: These trainings are compulsory.


Monday, November 5, 2012

Promotion test


Here are the slides for the promotion test for your reference:
Remember that we will be having extra trainings for this promotion test during the holidays, so do check your emails or Facebook (if you have one) regularly for updates from your group leaders (PMs).


Sunday, November 4, 2012

SANA Course

Hey guys,

here are the details for tomorrow's SANA course:

Date: 5th November, Monday
People who signed up: Kelvinder, Shawn
Time: 8.30am to 5.30pm (lunch not provided)
Venue: 2 Sengkang Square #05-01,
             Singapore 545025 (Beside Compass Point Shopping Centre)
Attire: Mufti
Things to Bring: Stationary

Please make your own way there, as transport will not be provided.
Have a great time there!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

November Camp Update

Hey guys,

this is a notification that November camp's date has been shifted to 28th - 30th Nov, Wednesday to Friday.
The camp packlist and details will be uploaded very soon so please check your emails and the blog regularly.

For all those who cannot make it for camp and have not highlighted it to us, please do so by sending an email stating the reason, attaching the evidence to support it, to by 18th November, Sunday 2359. Submissions of excuses later than the above date will not be entertained and the consequences will be severe.

That's it for now, do enjoy your Nov/Dec holidays!

RCY Campfire @ Northbrook Secondary School

Hey guys!

As we have told you, RIRC has been invited to NBSRCY's campfire on next friday, 9th November.
Here are the details of it for all those interested in going:

Time: 1900 - 2200
Attire: Smart casual
Venue: Northbrook Secondary School, Parade Square
*Transport will NOT be provided (though we can always arrange to meet at the MRT station before heading off)

We will need to prepare a 3-5min performance, which can always impromptu and plan on our way there. :p
For those interested in going please drop Samuel/Amos sir a note via sending an email to the b61 email group or comment on Kian Guang sir's post on the RIRC Facebook group.

It shall be a night of fun, merry and wine! See you there!