Hi sec 2s,
You may find the FA recap slides from this Monday’s training below- do take advantage of the long weekend ahead to look through these slides again, and familiarise yourself with the content. It is also important to note that some of the content in the slides was not covered during Monday’s training due to time constraints, such as unconscious choking, hence you are highly encouraged to look through these slides.
Lastly, do feel free to ask any of the NCOs regarding the lesson content if you have any queries, and do voice out any specific bandages that you have difficulties with, so that we can cover them in future FA lessons.
Link to slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1peDw8VJII8zrL_2b8HhBrg6502mJkdyHns9eRk1laKo/edit?usp=sharing