Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Red Cross Yearbook

Hi everyone! As the title suggests, we will be creating a RIRC yearbook for 2009, and we will need contributions from each and every one of you. We aim to finish this yearbook in time for our POC, and this will be one of the Sec 4s final contributions to the unit. The target will be a 500 page yearbook, so we really need everyone to contribute. So here’s what you have to do!


Just write anything about yourself that you want others to know about you. Talk about your hobbies, you personality, or anything else that you want to share.


Submit a page or pages about your own platoon. Everyone in your own platoon must contribute to this segment. Again, you can write about anything that you want about your platoon.


You can do anything you want to this page. Write about your experiences in camps, CIPs, trainings, out of training meetings, platoon outings, or about Red Cross in general. Or you can write about anything else that is Red Cross related, from gossips to rumors to anything that is unique to your batch or to RIRC. Write an essay, draw, paint, Photoshop, or present it in any medium that you think is best suited in expressing yourself.

If you have any cool or candid photos about Red Cross related activities or of your own batchmates, feel free to send to us too!

As we are targeting 500 pages, we hope that everyone will contribute as many pages as possible. However, if you feel that you are too busy, we only require a minimum of one page from everyone, but we do hope that everyone will contribute enthusiastically as this will remain with us forever and will serve to bring back memories of our time in RIRC when we look back at it like 20 years later.


If you are submitting your pages in hardcopy, just place in the Sickbay letter-rack, or pass it to your Sec 4 platoon mentors or any Sec 4 EXCO members. If you are submitting your pages in softcopy, email them to

Please note that you are not allowed to include racist remarks in the pages that you are submitting.

We hope that all of you will do as many pages as possible to help make this a success!

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