1. Casualty in prone position
2. Upon supine position, he was found with:
a. forehead bleeding, deep wound
b. vertical incision on right palm
c. left thigh fracture.
Correct procedures (1 aider)
0. take off specs (omega -10 for this)
1. use overturning (thats evac bronze lol)
2. bring to sitting position using cradle movement
3. support his back
4. pressure pad on forehead and palm
5. scalp bandage
6. open palm bandage on palm. ask casualty to elevate on his own first
7. let casualty lie down on the ground
8. immobilize (ankle, knee, above, below)
9. bring casualty back to sitting position
10. tie elevation sling to elevate palm
and for that:
1st: Omega: 30 (50-20 for mistakes)
2nd: Iota: 20
3rd: Epsilon: 5 (Gosh Gabriel work on your scalp bandage!
Anyways, here's a list of bandages which you should have learnt by now. Please ask Saravanan or your platoon mentors if you're unsure of any. They will report back to Saravanan so that he will take note of your bandage amnesia the next training.
1. pressure pad and bandage
2. immobilization of fractures
3. scalp bandage
4. eye bandage
5. neck bandage
6. shoulder, elbow and knee bandage
7. chest bandage
8. elevation sling
9. arm sling
10. open palm bandage
11. close palm bandage
12. figure of 8 (for ankle immbilization)
13. jaw bandage
hmm looks like you haven't learn ring pad yet. soon soon. :D
jia yous to dancers and fdcommers!