Yesterday marked the end of Batch 59's year in charge of the unit - and what a year it has been.
This batch came in when I was in Sec 3 - so I only got to know them for less than half a year before my batch took over in late 2008.
I didn't have much of an impression of them back then - they were (or as I remember) a quiet bunch, generally quite well-behaved and much better than their seniors. So I didn't quite know what to expect the next year when my batch was tasked with running things for them.
So in 2009 things turned out quite well - I took their batch for FA for what was effectively 2 entire terms, and they were really an engaging, lively group of people who paid attention and always seemed eager to learn (a bit like batch 62 really but with a bit more discipline). Thus at my POC - which seemed like only a few months ago - I left the unit rather reluctantly.
And then I came back.
So in 2010 I took this batch again for the entire year - I tried to teach them what it meant to lead the unit; we worked together on innumerable tasks and projects and I pushed them way too hard, expected too much from them - but they always delivered. This batch stuck together through everything we put them through - the multiple recce trips for 6Pak last year, the constant rewriting and refining of activities - all for the sake of the unit. Never once did they give up; they always sought to work together and to give their best for the unit - and it is this spirit that has characterised their entire journey as leaders of this unit, and what I'll always remember them for.
Batch 59 thus really exemplified what it meant to be a batch - a group of unique individuals each with their own strengths and personalities coming and working together for a common goal. It's thus with a twinge of sadness that I'm seeing them leave - but at the same time I'm happy for all that they've accomplished in their years here. 2010/11 may have seemed unfairly short, but it has left with us many great memories of this batch - the various camps they've run, PN, FDCOM and countless others. But all good things must come to an end eventually - that's the way things go.
Thus as b59 moves on and as b60 steps up to fill some very big shoes left for them, I'd once again like to thank this batch for everything they've done for the unit; for the unforgettable memories they've left us, and left me in my 2 years as a VI here; and for everything that they've taught us - the value of teamwork, of determination, and for showing us what it really meant to lead the unit. Thanks for being a truly exceptional batch.

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