Friday, August 16, 2013


Hey guys,

To those going for GMW, we would like to wish you the very best of luck. If you still don't know details like reporting and stuff, refer to one of the previous posts.

Some pro-tips:
1) Prepare your uniform tonight, and not tomorrow morning. It'll probably be quite rush tomorrow morning and your uniform will look like shit, and you won't get as much sleep.
2) Pay attention and don't lose focus during the Uniform Inspection. Go into Sediya and greet the sir when he comes to inspect you, then when he's done, say thank you sir, then go back into Senangdiri.
3) Do not fidget during the accreds, or you are seriously screwed. Even tiny adjustments are noticeable in a squad. If you really need to adjust, do what we do in training, ask for permission. It's better than being an introverted freak and just stand there uncomfortably, because it will affect your concentration.
4) Commanding-wise..Read up on the notes on how to command. There are 3 major components to a command, so make sure when you command you actually follow the theory. Also, command loudly, as loud as you can, and use your diaphragm, not your throat. E.g. You don't hear female commanders with high pitch, they usually sound like fags, because they're trying to use their diaphragm to command.
5) Voice projection: When commanding, lift your head up 45 degrees and open your mouth. Not only do you have to let the instructors hear you, the squad also has to hear you, and expect the squad to be a big one.
6) Controlling the squad: As a commander, you cannot move from your spot. So if you make a mistake, don't say "uhh..ummm", just say semula. Gather your thoughts, then continue. If you have to make the squad march off, do not let them go too far. Once they've taken a few steps, proceed to the next command, so they don't get too far and can't hear you.

1) Pay attention to Under and Over obstacle, it's quite complicated and contains quite alot of steps
2) Fintan: "Improvised stretcher is easy", so don't have to worry if it looks complicated
3) In the words of Sam Ye: "WILLPOWER". Guess this doesn't need explanation

1) The only new thing is sort of learning how to delegate materials and people in (let's say) a parade. Where do you put First Aiders, Officers, First Aid base, Walkie-Talkies etc. It's actually quite easy, just use common sense and you'll do fine.
2) Since First Aid is so damn easy, just don't fall asleep. Don't be like Shawn, if not you will get pulled out and a instructor will talk to you about responsibility and shit. Don't get into trouble!

Overall, mug your Gold notes and make sure you know everything so you don't have a hard time tomorrow. Don't be late and don't forget to bring your signed Silver monitoring form and empty Gold monitoring form, if not you will be turned away...


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