Monday, December 12, 2011
Video of the Week 6
The thing that happens when you mix アニメ (anime), cats, and poptarts. Don't do it guys.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Platoon Points of the Week 5
Hi all!
This is to make up for the missing points of the week last last week.
First to answer this gets 25 points. List all the treatments of shock.
Go for it.
25 points to David.
This is to make up for the missing points of the week last last week.
First to answer this gets 25 points. List all the treatments of shock.
Go for it.
25 points to David.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Platoon Points of the Week 4
Hi all~ Sorry for the delay!
This challenge will be worth 25 points!
Name the bandage that should be tied if the casualty has fractured fingers! Post in the chatbox :)
Cheers. (Obviously the first one gets the points)
25 points to David
This challenge will be worth 25 points!
Name the bandage that should be tied if the casualty has fractured fingers! Post in the chatbox :)
Cheers. (Obviously the first one gets the points)
25 points to David
Saturday, December 3, 2011
UIP & RCYC (again!)
Good news for the Sec2s! Four of B61 have successfully graduated out of the Unit Instructors' Programme last weekend. Hopefully, regardless of the award received at the end of the programme, they have had an enriching experience, especially with other units' Red Cross members. They are:
Jian Xing
Yi Cheng (who received a merit award)
Congratulations to these four!
On a side note, George, Ching Wai, and Kian Guang have just finished CS1 of the Red Cross Youth Challenge this morning. Although probably not as content-rich as UIP, it will certainly prove to be just as intensive and fun, so good luck to the three for their camp two weeks later!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Hi all
This is to all FACOM participants and casualties : Please send in your NRICs latest by 12 noon tomorrow (ie 1 December, 1200hrs). Ms Ruhana will need time to contact the relevant authorities for registration of the competition, so please cooperate, as the deadline for submission is 2 December.
That is all. Hope that you have a fruitful holiday :)
P.S Do respond quickly, so that we do not have to call you.
This is to all FACOM participants and casualties : Please send in your NRICs latest by 12 noon tomorrow (ie 1 December, 1200hrs). Ms Ruhana will need time to contact the relevant authorities for registration of the competition, so please cooperate, as the deadline for submission is 2 December.
That is all. Hope that you have a fruitful holiday :)
P.S Do respond quickly, so that we do not have to call you.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
First Aid Competition 2012
Hi all.
First things first:
The registration date for First Aid Competition is coming to a close, so please indicate your interest if you want to participate by sending an email to (latest by this week Friday)
If you are reading this after Friday, please feel free to drop by on Monday at the SR Block by 9am sharp if you hesitated for too long.
Yes, 9am sharp at the SR Block on Monday.
We are looking for 3 casualties from 45-50 kg, so if you fall within that category, please do not hesitate to register as a casualty. Please inform your PM to relay the information to us. Alternatively, send an email to our batch egroup. Again, latest by Friday.
Good at video editing software(and mugging)? Sign up for the First Aid Awareness Category! Send in your names by Friday! We welcome anyone committed and willing to start work early. Similarly, drop by at 9am on Monday. Note that the video cannot be taken in school.
That is all. Cheers :)
FACOM Preliminaries are in 18 Feb 2012. Casualties only need to turn up for that date.
Casualties will have to turn up for the Monday session too. 9am sharp. Further details will be given after Monday.
First things first:
The registration date for First Aid Competition is coming to a close, so please indicate your interest if you want to participate by sending an email to (latest by this week Friday)
If you are reading this after Friday, please feel free to drop by on Monday at the SR Block by 9am sharp if you hesitated for too long.
Yes, 9am sharp at the SR Block on Monday.
We are looking for 3 casualties from 45-50 kg, so if you fall within that category, please do not hesitate to register as a casualty. Please inform your PM to relay the information to us. Alternatively, send an email to our batch egroup. Again, latest by Friday.
Good at video editing software(and mugging)? Sign up for the First Aid Awareness Category! Send in your names by Friday! We welcome anyone committed and willing to start work early. Similarly, drop by at 9am on Monday. Note that the video cannot be taken in school.
That is all. Cheers :)
FACOM Preliminaries are in 18 Feb 2012. Casualties only need to turn up for that date.
Casualties will have to turn up for the Monday session too. 9am sharp. Further details will be given after Monday.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Video of the week 4
Photo will be on Friday. We just had mega Grabs over the last two days.
No dialogue, but audio still recommended. Watching on YouTube in HD even more recommended.
Enjoy your holidays!
No dialogue, but audio still recommended. Watching on YouTube in HD even more recommended.
Enjoy your holidays!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Platoons Points for Grab of the Week 3
Hi Guys~!
Here's this week's question:
What is the name of this year's November Camp?
Have fun in camp~! :) Do remember to bring your Red Cross Uniform and pack your bags if you haven't~!
Here's this week's question:
What is the name of this year's November Camp?
Have fun in camp~! :) Do remember to bring your Red Cross Uniform and pack your bags if you haven't~!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Photo of the Week 3 + Reminders on Events
Hey Guys~!
Here's this week's photo:
This was taken when our batch was introduced to Cadet-Cade-Link Games Day~! It was definitely memorable with cadets with another school and links whom you may rarely interact with. So do come on down this Friday @ the S.R. Block Foyer at 1.30pm. (Besides, it's compulsory.) We will be playing games with cadets from Tanjong Katong Girls' School and links from Haig Girls' School. This year's event would be definitely more special as we are having many links coming down together with brownies from the same school~! Please wear your RC Polo Tee + shorts or PE Attire on that day.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
OA(B) Theory Accreds for Sec 1s
This announcement is for all Sec 1s.
There will be a OA(B) Theory Accreds 1 hour before the photoshoot on 10 November. This is extremely important if you want to complete the entire accred and get your OA(B) Badges.
Here are the details:
Time & Date: 1pm, 10/11/11
Location: Admin Block/Yusof Ishak Block 3rd floor (area directly above the main atrium)
What to bring: Writing Materials and Foolscap Paper
Hope to see you there and do mug for it~!
Video of the Week 3
Hi Guys~!
Here's this week's video:
Just sit back and relax after having a "fun" week collecting back your results~! :P
Do remember to pack your bags for camp~!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Platoon Points for Grabs of the Week 2
Hi all!
Congratulations to David, earning Iota 30 points~!
Here is your questions for the week!
What bandage do you tie for fractured fingers?
Name the bandage ASAP on the Tagboard and stand a chance to win extra points for your platoon!
Remember, only the fastest platoon gets the points!
Congratulations to David, earning Iota 30 points~!
Friday, November 4, 2011
Reminder for UIP Contact Session 1
This reminder is for those who are attending UIP.
Here are the details for the upcoming UIP:
Here are the details for the upcoming UIP:
Date: 5th Nov 2011
Time: 8:30am, expected ending time to be 6pm
Attire: Red Cross Mufti (Red Cross T-shirt + Trackpants)
ALL trainees to have their breakfast before coming.
Things to bring: 1. Writing Materials (pen & foolscap)
2. Money for Lunch
3. At least 1Litre and above of water bottle of any brands
For cadets that are unsure of the directions to the Red Cross Campsite, there will be 2 Volunteer Instructors in Red Cross T-shirts waiting at Kembangan MRT Station from 7:30am-8:10 am to guide them to the Red Cross Campsite.
Those who are supposed to attend are: Amos, Yi Cheng, David and Jian Xing
Those who are supposed to attend are: Amos, Yi Cheng, David and Jian Xing
Good luck and hope you guys have fun~!
CCA involvement survey
Hi all,
Please take a few minutes to complete this survey.
Enjoy your holidays!
CLARIFICATION: Please fill in all the badges which you have passed accreditations for, not the physical badges you are missing.
Please take a few minutes to complete this survey.
Enjoy your holidays!
CLARIFICATION: Please fill in all the badges which you have passed accreditations for, not the physical badges you are missing.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Photo of the Week 2 + Packlist
Camp is coming (14-16 Nov)... Be prepared~! :)
the download link for the packlist:
Update: You are required to bring full Red Cross uniform. If your uniform is severely incomplete (i.e. you do not have shirt, long pants, beret, buttons or boots ONLY), you are to bring full school uniform + tie. Also, the camp will be held in RI.
Please pack your bags soon~!
the download link for the packlist:
Update: You are required to bring full Red Cross uniform. If your uniform is severely incomplete (i.e. you do not have shirt, long pants, beret, buttons or boots ONLY), you are to bring full school uniform + tie. Also, the camp will be held in RI.
Please pack your bags soon~!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
End of School!
School is coming to an end! (yay) Hopefully, you have attained good results for the EOYs.
Do note also that in view of school ending early, there will be no training this Wednesday. Do have a good rest during the holidays, and also do take note of the following events happening of importance, summarised below once again: (This was covered during the briefing on Monday Morning after assembly)
1. Cadet-cadet link activity with TKGS and Haig Girls' School on 11 Nov. Attire: RC unit-tee with Pe Shorts. Assemble at the Raja Block at 1:30 pm. It will be from 145 to 400 pm.
2. Wonderwall Photoshoot on 10 Nov from 2-5 pm. Attire will be Red Cross Uniform (you are only allowed to wear RC unit-tee if your uniform is severely incomplete. This applies mainly to Sec1s) Meet again at the Raja Block, but we will be taking the photo in the parade square.
3. Good luck for those going for HQ programmes such as UIP and RCYC!! We hope the sec2s going for these can learn as much from these enriching programmes as possible.
4. November camp will be from 14Nov (start: 0800) to 16 Nov (end: 1200) Details with packlist will be released in due time.
See you next year for trainings!
Monday, October 31, 2011
Video of the Week 2
Apologies for the slight delay, but here's a video to start of the second week of the series!
Now we all know footdrill is about discipline and professionalism, but who says there isn't style in professionalism?
For those of you who didn't catch the latest FDcom nearly 2 months back, there is a segment in FDcom called "fancy drill" or "open-array drill". The words speak for themselves, so try watching the video (From FDcom two years ago) below to get what I mean: (pardon the video quality though)
Hopefully while link-hopping through the rest of the youtube fancy drill videos, you can get inspiration for future FDcoms, and who knows? Your ideas may be useful then in helping RIRC secure a prize. :)
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Reminder for Change in Monday Briefing & Change in Photoshoot Date
Hi Guys~!
Please note that there is a briefing right after morning assembly at the Main Atrium regarding camp and other important events, instead of after school. This should take about 10 to 15 minutes.
Also, note that there is a change in the date of the Wonder Wall photoshoot. It is now changed to 10 November 2pm - 5pm.
Please note that there is a briefing right after morning assembly at the Main Atrium regarding camp and other important events, instead of after school. This should take about 10 to 15 minutes.
Also, note that there is a change in the date of the Wonder Wall photoshoot. It is now changed to 10 November 2pm - 5pm.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Platoon Points for Grabs of the Week 1
Hi Guys!
From this week onwards,there will be free platoon points up for grabs~! You can get them through answering questions, guessing stuff, etc. These "questions" will be posted on every Friday. So do check the blog often and win some points for your platoon~! And the end of the term, something good will happen to the platoon with the highest points~! ;)
For this round, it's very simple to win. Just answer the simple questions below:
1. Name all the fundamental principles of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
Just post your answer on the tagboard with your real name. The first person who answers this correct will gain the points!
On a side note, good luck for those taking gold accreds tomorrow~!
Congratulations to Yi Cheng,earning 30 points for Epsilon! :)
From this week onwards,there will be free platoon points up for grabs~! You can get them through answering questions, guessing stuff, etc. These "questions" will be posted on every Friday. So do check the blog often and win some points for your platoon~! And the end of the term, something good will happen to the platoon with the highest points~! ;)
For this round, it's very simple to win. Just answer the simple questions below:
1. Name all the fundamental principles of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
Just post your answer on the tagboard with your real name. The first person who answers this correct will gain the points!
On a side note, good luck for those taking gold accreds tomorrow~!
Congratulations to Yi Cheng,earning 30 points for Epsilon! :)
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Photo of the Week 1
Apologies for the delay in post due to Deepavali (And Meanwhile Happy Deepavali ! ; albeit a bit late though)
But anyway! Here's the first Photo of the Week, and a very thought-provoking one indeed.
It's called the Saddest Photo of the Century. I don't think you need to think twice to know why.

The link to the story behind it is intriguing, I highly suggest you take a look at it:
Whether or not this can inspire you to donate for the needy in Africa, this photo undoubtedly makes people ponder about the poverty situation on the African Continent.
Next up are some chances to get platoon points!
Also for the Wonderwall photoshoot on 2 Nov from 0900-1200 hrs you are to seek your respective subject teachers for excuse to leave R&R for the photoshoot. Also, please wear your Red Cross uniform for the photoshoot as we will need it then.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Hi guys!
There is going to be another upcoming CIP at IMH, and it will most likely be the last CIP event for the year.
Below are the details:
Date: 3rd November
Time: 2.30 – 4.30
If you are interested, please email by 26th October. CIP hours will be awarded accordingly. Priority will be given to those who have not yet gone for a CIP at IMH before. So hurry and sign up today!
There is going to be another upcoming CIP at IMH, and it will most likely be the last CIP event for the year.
Below are the details:
Date: 3rd November
Time: 2.30 – 4.30
If you are interested, please email by 26th October. CIP hours will be awarded accordingly. Priority will be given to those who have not yet gone for a CIP at IMH before. So hurry and sign up today!
Video of the Week 1
Hi guys!
How NOT to do First Aid (some of you might have seen this before):
Now that the marking holidays are over, there will be a new series of videos, photos, and chances to grab platoon points every week.
Monday - Videos
Wednesday - Photos
Friday - Random (Chances to grab platoon points here!)
Hopefully these series posted every week will keep your eyes glued to this blog for just a while longer :D
First up, here's our First Video of the Week!
Hopefully y'all will find this at the very least amusing. :D
November Camp
Hi all~
Here are some Upcoming events during the November Holidays:
2 November - Wonderwall photoshoot - 9am - 12 noon, Parade Square, Come in Red Cross Uniform
11 November - Cadet-Cadet-Link Activity, attire : Unit Tee + PE Shorts
14-16 November - November Camp
Please keep 11 and 14-16 November free :D
Also there is a briefing on 31st October for November Camp and the Cadet-Cadet-Link Activity, right after school for about half an hour at the Raja Block foyer. Please notify us if you are unable to turn up for the briefing as there will be important information given out then.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Gold Workshop tomorrow!
Hi guys,
Good luck to those going for Gold Workshops tomorrow! Be prepared to learn a lot of new things during the hours at the campsite. (the same place where we held our June Camp) Most importantly, keep an open mind, as most of the workshop things will be tested one week later in the accreds. :D
By the way, here are the Gold record sheets if you need them, along with details of the workshops and accreds:
As a reminder, these are the people going for the Gold Workshops tomorrow:
FA: Amos
Evac: David, Zijun, Justin, Ryan Chiong
FD: Yi Cheng, Brendon, Yue Howe, Rayner, Amos (accred only)
OA: Yimin, Wei Yang, Kishore, Kavin
RCK: Darryl, George, Ryan Lim, Sean + Li Peng, Qi Jing, Gabriel
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Evac (S) & FD (S) Accreds Results
Here are the results for the accreds held today.
Pass: Kian Guang
Fail: Samuel
Pass: Brendon, Yi Cheng, Amos
Fail: Rayner
Good luck for your Gold Accreds~!
Here are the results for the accreds held today.
Pass: Kian Guang
Fail: Samuel
Pass: Brendon, Yi Cheng, Amos
Fail: Rayner
Good luck for your Gold Accreds~!
Photo of the Week 3
Hope you have enjoyed your EOYs! Meanwhile.........
This picture was taken during 6Pak camp, the 2010 June camp.
No points have been awarded so far, as no captions have been sent. Stay tuned then, for the next chance to earn platoon points!
Monday, October 17, 2011
Accreditations in October
Hi Sec2s!
For those who're going for the Gold Workshops and Accreditations this and next Saturday, please remember to turn up with the relevant materials! Refer to this post for detailed instructions.
Also, some of you have to clear your Silver accreds before this Saturday. IF YOU DO NOT CLEAR THESE ACCREDITATIONS YOU CANNOT GO FOR SATURDAY'S WORKSHOPS. We've already scheduled them to not clash with your post-exam activities, so do show up.
Take note of the following information regarding these accreditations:
Evacuation Silver re-accred for Samuel only - 19 October, 1000-1100hrs
Venue: Red Cross Room (3rd floor of ARTSpace)
Footdrill Silver - 19 October, 1400-1530hrs
Sec2s involved: Yi Cheng, Brendon, Yue Howe, Rayner, Amos*
Venue: SR Block Foyer
Edit: you'll need to bring / report in your RC Uniform. Please revise before coming for this accreditation. You might want to find some Sec3s for revision beforehand.
*Amos - please print/bring your FD (G) record sheet for us to sign as well
OA Silver - 21 October, 1400-1600hrs
Sec2s involved: Yimin, Jian Xing
Venue: SR Block Foyer
Pleas read through the OA (B) and (S) theory notes before coming for this session. Bring your notes with you as well as writing materials and paper.
FA Silver for UIP people* - 21 October
0830-1100hrs: Amos, Samuel, David
1100-1300hrs: Jian Xing, Yi Cheng (since you apparently have an MOE survey before that)
Venue: Red Cross Room (the one on 3rd floor of the ARTSpace / Gym)
Bring writing materials, paper. Revise before coming.
*UIP people we'll need to ensure your FA is up to mark before sending you off to HQ in november so it is imperative that you go for this accreditation. Other Sec2s who are interested in FA, feel free to sign up for this accred by emailing the b60 egroup by Wednesday night (indicate which time slot you'd prefer).
If you're unable to make it for your accreds above (which really shouldn't be the case), email the b60 egroup as soon as possible so that we can make alternative arrangements. Getting your gold is contingent on clearing your silver accreditations first so you really must show up for these scheduled accreds.
For those who're going for the Gold Workshops and Accreditations this and next Saturday, please remember to turn up with the relevant materials! Refer to this post for detailed instructions.
Also, some of you have to clear your Silver accreds before this Saturday. IF YOU DO NOT CLEAR THESE ACCREDITATIONS YOU CANNOT GO FOR SATURDAY'S WORKSHOPS. We've already scheduled them to not clash with your post-exam activities, so do show up.
Take note of the following information regarding these accreditations:
Evacuation Silver re-accred for Samuel only - 19 October, 1000-1100hrs
Venue: Red Cross Room (3rd floor of ARTSpace)
Footdrill Silver - 19 October, 1400-1530hrs
Sec2s involved: Yi Cheng, Brendon, Yue Howe, Rayner, Amos*
Venue: SR Block Foyer
Edit: you'll need to bring / report in your RC Uniform. Please revise before coming for this accreditation. You might want to find some Sec3s for revision beforehand.
*Amos - please print/bring your FD (G) record sheet for us to sign as well
OA Silver - 21 October, 1400-1600hrs
Sec2s involved: Yimin, Jian Xing
Venue: SR Block Foyer
Pleas read through the OA (B) and (S) theory notes before coming for this session. Bring your notes with you as well as writing materials and paper.
FA Silver for UIP people* - 21 October
0830-1100hrs: Amos, Samuel, David
1100-1300hrs: Jian Xing, Yi Cheng (since you apparently have an MOE survey before that)
Venue: Red Cross Room (the one on 3rd floor of the ARTSpace / Gym)
Bring writing materials, paper. Revise before coming.
*UIP people we'll need to ensure your FA is up to mark before sending you off to HQ in november so it is imperative that you go for this accreditation. Other Sec2s who are interested in FA, feel free to sign up for this accred by emailing the b60 egroup by Wednesday night (indicate which time slot you'd prefer).
If you're unable to make it for your accreds above (which really shouldn't be the case), email the b60 egroup as soon as possible so that we can make alternative arrangements. Getting your gold is contingent on clearing your silver accreditations first so you really must show up for these scheduled accreds.
Friday, October 14, 2011
A Truly MAgical Christmas (MAGC) 2011
NOTE: Our apologies, we have checked and you will not be able to attend the SANA course as mentioned previously. (we have deleted it) This is because 1 and 2 Nov are the checking of scripts. Sorry for the misinformation!
Hi all!
The Singapore Management University’s (SMU) Red Cross Chapter is organizing a public blood donation drive in the name of Singapore Red Cross. The objective of the drive is to help ensure an adequate supply of blood for patients during the Christmas period. Through the drive, members of the public are encouraged to start or continue donating blood, leading to a cumulative effect where more people will join this heroic and eventful act of blood donation. The aim is to collect 750 units of blood during the blood donation drive this year and to recruit 150 first-time donors.
This will be a meaningful event held in the city which aims to reach out to individuals aged 18- 40 from all walks of life and tap on the weekend crowd especially during the Christmas season.
Volunteers will be in groups at various locations giving out flyers and asking members of the public to donate blood on Awareness Drive and Actual Blood Donation Drive. Some may help out at the blood donation area itself on Actual Blood Donation Drive.
Event Details
(i) Volunteer Training & Briefing Session
Date: 30th November 2011 (Wednesday)
Time: TBC
Venue: Singapore Management University
*It is mandatory to attend the volunteer training session so that volunteers would know their roles during awareness and donation blood drive.
(ii) Awareness Drive
Date: 2nd – 4th December 2011 (Friday – Sunday)
Time: 11.00 am to 6.00 pm
Venue: Town areas & Heartland areas
(iii) Actual Blood Donation Drive
Date: 9th – 11th December 2011 (Friday – Sunday)
Time: 11.00 am to 6.00 pm
Venue: *SCAPE, Town areas & Heartland areas
If you are interested in signing up, please make sure you are free on most days, if not, for at least 3 out of the 6 days, and send an email to as soon as possible.
This will be a meaningful event held in the city which aims to reach out to individuals aged 18- 40 from all walks of life and tap on the weekend crowd especially during the Christmas season.
Volunteers will be in groups at various locations giving out flyers and asking members of the public to donate blood on Awareness Drive and Actual Blood Donation Drive. Some may help out at the blood donation area itself on Actual Blood Donation Drive.
Event Details
(i) Volunteer Training & Briefing Session
Date: 30th November 2011 (Wednesday)
Time: TBC
Venue: Singapore Management University
*It is mandatory to attend the volunteer training session so that volunteers would know their roles during awareness and donation blood drive.
(ii) Awareness Drive
Date: 2nd – 4th December 2011 (Friday – Sunday)
Time: 11.00 am to 6.00 pm
Venue: Town areas & Heartland areas
(iii) Actual Blood Donation Drive
Date: 9th – 11th December 2011 (Friday – Sunday)
Time: 11.00 am to 6.00 pm
Venue: *SCAPE, Town areas & Heartland areas
If you are interested in signing up, please make sure you are free on most days, if not, for at least 3 out of the 6 days, and send an email to as soon as possible.
Remembrance Day Ceremony @ Kranji War Memorial
Hi guys!
Looking for something interesting to ponder over during the holidays? Well WWII is certainly something ponder about, and on Sunday 13 Nov 2011 there will be a Remembrance Day ceremony @Kranji War Memorial. Details are as follows:
Time: 0700 hrs - 1000 hrs
Attire: Red Cross Uniform
More details will be given in due time.
Remembrance Day is held annually to honour those who have fought and suffered during World wars. By learning about the sacrifices made by the soldiers killed in the battle for the defence of Singapore, we can better appreciate the roles played by the armed forces and NSmen. Plus, attending this special UG event warrants you a Remembrance Badge.
So what are you waiting for? It's an inter-UG event so spaces are really limited. Sign up quickly through the email ( by Thursday 20 Oct, as it's on a first come first serve basis!
(Do remember to keep your fellow batchmates informed about this event, some of them might not be in touch with the blog very often)
Monday, October 10, 2011
Gold Modular Workshops and Gold Mass Accreds
Hi guys!
For those* who have yet to get the requisite Silver badge for the subject you're going for, note that the Silver accreditation will be held in school on Wednesday 19 October. Please keep that date free; more details will be given out soon so check the blog often. If you can't make it down for whatever reason email the Batch 60 egroup by the end of this week.
Below are the people who have signed up for the respective workshops/accreds:
FA: Amos
Evac: Samuel, David, Zijun, Justin, Ryan Chiong
FD: Yi Cheng, Brendon, Yue Howe, Rayner, Amos (accred only)
OA: Yimin, Wei Yang, Kishore, Kavin
RCK: Darryl, George, Ryan Lim, Sean + Li Peng, Qi Jing, Gabriel
For those* who have yet to get the requisite Silver badge for the subject you're going for, note that the Silver accreditation will be held in school on Wednesday 19 October. Please keep that date free; more details will be given out soon so check the blog often. If you can't make it down for whatever reason email the Batch 60 egroup by the end of this week.
Please remember to attend the respective workshops and accreds on the 22nd and 29th of October respectively. And meanwhile while you're at it, Happy Mugging!
*These people are:
EV (S) - Samuel (Theory)
FD (S) - all Sec2s
OA (S) - all Sec2s and 3s
*These people are:
EV (S) - Samuel (Theory)
FD (S) - all Sec2s
OA (S) - all Sec2s and 3s
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Photo of the Week II
hmm seems like no one could come up with a caption for last week's one so no points given.
anyway here's this week's photo - of another of your Sec3s back when he was Sec1:

Send your captions in for this one by Wednesday 12 October! Same rules apply as always.
Have fun with your EOYs next week everyone!
anyway here's this week's photo - of another of your Sec3s back when he was Sec1:
"Baby Traffic Warden - Directing people off the building" - Yi Cheng
Send your captions in for this one by Wednesday 12 October! Same rules apply as always.
Have fun with your EOYs next week everyone!
The winner is Yi Cheng! (+40 points to Epsilon)
Additionally, +20 points to Omega for submitting the most captions for this round!
Stay tuned for POTW 3!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Hi Sec2s!
If you are still deciding on whether to join UIP and RCYC, please decide by this Friday as we have to submit the namelists very soon, and email us once you have decided. (If you have forgotten the email once again, look to the right!)
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Photo of the Week / Caption Contest!
Hey guys!
If you've explored the blog you'd have noticed this tab called 'Photos' at the top. Click on it and you'll find a veritable trove of photographs of trainings, camps, competitions and events dating back all the way to 2008.
So for these next few weeks I'll be taking you guys through some of these photosets and back into the past - posting interesting photos of your Sec4s and Sec3s when they were cadets a looong time ago. At the same time, you stand to win points for your platoon by coming up with creative captions for these photos of the week!
For this week let's start with this one from 2009:
Send an email with your name, platoon and caption for this photo to martin [dot] rcy [at] gmail [dot] com by Wednesday 5 Octobert - and the most creative caption wins you points for your platoon! There's no limit on how many captions you can give* so submit as many as you like!
Bonus points for the first person to tell me which camp this photo is from!
+11.1 points to David / Iota - this photo was taken in November 2009 when Ryan was Sec1 and Jason Sec3.
*Standard disclaimers apply - nothing racist / vulgar / offensive / insensitive please.
If you've explored the blog you'd have noticed this tab called 'Photos' at the top. Click on it and you'll find a veritable trove of photographs of trainings, camps, competitions and events dating back all the way to 2008.
So for these next few weeks I'll be taking you guys through some of these photosets and back into the past - posting interesting photos of your Sec4s and Sec3s when they were cadets a looong time ago. At the same time, you stand to win points for your platoon by coming up with creative captions for these photos of the week!
For this week let's start with this one from 2009:
Bonus points for the first person to tell me which camp this photo is from!
+11.1 points to David / Iota - this photo was taken in November 2009 when Ryan was Sec1 and Jason Sec3.
*Standard disclaimers apply - nothing racist / vulgar / offensive / insensitive please.
IPCFAEV results
Dear all,
the long-awaited results of last term's Interplatoon First Aid / Evacuation competition are here!
The scores are as follows:
Epsilon: 415.5
Iota: 357.2
Omega: 268
Congratulations to Epsilon for winning this round!
Iota and Omega - don't be disheartened - these points will be carried over camp where there will be even more exciting opportunities for you guys to earn more points for your platoon. The real platoon competition is only just beginning! Check this blog every day for more updates. (And for ways to get more points. Hint hint.)
the long-awaited results of last term's Interplatoon First Aid / Evacuation competition are here!
The scores are as follows:
Epsilon: 415.5
Iota: 357.2
Omega: 268
Congratulations to Epsilon for winning this round!
Iota and Omega - don't be disheartened - these points will be carried over camp where there will be even more exciting opportunities for you guys to earn more points for your platoon. The real platoon competition is only just beginning! Check this blog every day for more updates. (And for ways to get more points. Hint hint.)
Sunday, September 25, 2011
(RCYC dates are changed! Please check them below)
UIP (Unit Instructor's Programme) and RCYC (Red Cross Youth Challenge) are coming!! The dates are as follows:
Contact Sessions: 5, 12 , 19 Nov
Camp: 25-27 Nov
RCYC: Camp Unity
Contact Session: 3 Dec
Camp: 15-18 Dec
Details are not out yet, but if you are interested in going for either of these two, please email the Batch 60 egroup once again (If you don't know the email look to the right! :P)
These two programmes have proven to be very enriching so far for those who have gone for it, and I'm sure some of the sec2s have been waiting to go for this :P It is also a very good way to interact with members from other RCY units, so gogogo :) If you don't believe ask the lanyard holders from last year: Ching Wai and Gabriel :D
Oh btw, today is the last day to indicate your interest for Gold Modular Workshops and Accreds! Do remember that you can only go for one accreds this time round, so choose wisely :D Also, from past experience to go for UIP you'll definitely need a Gold in the subject you are interested in, so we encourage all of you to go for it.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Gold Modular Workshops/Accreds
Hi Sec2s!
For FD, OA and Evac (Gold), you'll have to attend both the workshop and the accreditation.
For RCK (Gold), you only need to go for the accreditation on the 29th.
There is also a First Aid workshop open to all interested participants on the 22nd. There is no accreditation for First Aid and this workshop does NOT take the place of SFA.
edit: the last time I checked, one can't be in 2 places at the same time - if it isn't obvious already you can only go for one (1) workshop on the 22nd and one (1) accreditation on the 29th.
All workshops and accreditations will be held from 9am to 5.30pm at the Red Cross Campsite on both days, so if you sign up do make sure that you can make it down for the relevant dates. You cannot leave early so if you have something on please either reschedule it or not sign up this round.
Details of Workshops and Accreditations
Footdrill: Attire - Full Red Cross Uniform for both days. Bring your stationery, 1.5l labelled water bottle, a set of FD (G) notes - download from the RCY website - and a blank FD (G) record sheet on the 22nd.
Evacuation: Attire - Mufti (PE shirt + dark blue or black track pants) for both days. Bring your stationery, 1.5l labelled water bottle, a set of Evac (G) notes - download from RCY website as well, newspaper and a blank Evac (G) record sheet.
OA: Attire - Mufti (PE shirt + dark blue or black track pants) for both days. Bring your stationery, 1.5l labelled water bottle, a set of OA (G) notes - download from RCY website, a metal fork and spoon and a blank OA (G) record sheet.
RCK (Accred only on 29th; no workshop): Attire - Full RC Uniform. Accreditation will be a 10 minute presentation on a set topic that has to be prepared before the accreditation. You'll be working in a team of 3 - 4 cadets so you need to find a group with your batchmates first. For information on the topics and the presentation criteria refer to the first link at the bottom. You will also need a record sheet for each member in the team which can be found below.
FA Workshop on 22nd: Attire - Mufti (PE shirt + dark blue or black track pants), bring your stationery, 1.5l labelled water bottle, 1 triangular bandage and 1 roller bandage.
Requirements for workshops/accreditations
FD (Gold) - You need to have FD (S) to go for the workshop. Since most of you haven't taken your silver accreds yet, what we'll do is register you first and conduct your accred either next week or after EOYs but before the workshop.
Evac (Gold) - You need Evac (S) to register for this workshop. Thus only the following people are currently eligible to sign up: Jian Xing, Amos, Yimin, Joash, Yi Cheng, Zi Jun and David. Those who have failed their theory but passed practical (i.e. Rayner, Vijay, Kian Guang, Brendon, Samuel and Arun) can sign up as well, but you'll have to clear your theory next week or else we won't let you go.
OA (Gold) - Everyone with OA (B) can sign up (i.e. except Yue Howe, Brendon, Nirmeet, Jeremiah and Alfonse) but you need to clear your OA (S) accreds either next week or after EOYs before the workshop. We'll contact / inform you accordingly.
RCK (Gold) - You need RCK (S) for this. Everyone except Hetav, Alfonse, Daniel, Nirmeet and Jeremiah can go.
FA Workshop - Everyone interested can sign up.
Gold Modular Workshops/Accreditations are coming on 22/29 October respectively!
For FD, OA and Evac (Gold), you'll have to attend both the workshop and the accreditation.
For RCK (Gold), you only need to go for the accreditation on the 29th.
There is also a First Aid workshop open to all interested participants on the 22nd. There is no accreditation for First Aid and this workshop does NOT take the place of SFA.
edit: the last time I checked, one can't be in 2 places at the same time - if it isn't obvious already you can only go for one (1) workshop on the 22nd and one (1) accreditation on the 29th.
All workshops and accreditations will be held from 9am to 5.30pm at the Red Cross Campsite on both days, so if you sign up do make sure that you can make it down for the relevant dates. You cannot leave early so if you have something on please either reschedule it or not sign up this round.
Details of Workshops and Accreditations
Footdrill: Attire - Full Red Cross Uniform for both days. Bring your stationery, 1.5l labelled water bottle, a set of FD (G) notes - download from the RCY website - and a blank FD (G) record sheet on the 22nd.
Evacuation: Attire - Mufti (PE shirt + dark blue or black track pants) for both days. Bring your stationery, 1.5l labelled water bottle, a set of Evac (G) notes - download from RCY website as well, newspaper and a blank Evac (G) record sheet.
OA: Attire - Mufti (PE shirt + dark blue or black track pants) for both days. Bring your stationery, 1.5l labelled water bottle, a set of OA (G) notes - download from RCY website, a metal fork and spoon and a blank OA (G) record sheet.
RCK (Accred only on 29th; no workshop): Attire - Full RC Uniform. Accreditation will be a 10 minute presentation on a set topic that has to be prepared before the accreditation. You'll be working in a team of 3 - 4 cadets so you need to find a group with your batchmates first. For information on the topics and the presentation criteria refer to the first link at the bottom. You will also need a record sheet for each member in the team which can be found below.
FA Workshop on 22nd: Attire - Mufti (PE shirt + dark blue or black track pants), bring your stationery, 1.5l labelled water bottle, 1 triangular bandage and 1 roller bandage.
Requirements for workshops/accreditations
FD (Gold) - You need to have FD (S) to go for the workshop. Since most of you haven't taken your silver accreds yet, what we'll do is register you first and conduct your accred either next week or after EOYs but before the workshop.
Evac (Gold) - You need Evac (S) to register for this workshop. Thus only the following people are currently eligible to sign up: Jian Xing, Amos, Yimin, Joash, Yi Cheng, Zi Jun and David. Those who have failed their theory but passed practical (i.e. Rayner, Vijay, Kian Guang, Brendon, Samuel and Arun) can sign up as well, but you'll have to clear your theory next week or else we won't let you go.
OA (Gold) - Everyone with OA (B) can sign up (i.e. except Yue Howe, Brendon, Nirmeet, Jeremiah and Alfonse) but you need to clear your OA (S) accreds either next week or after EOYs before the workshop. We'll contact / inform you accordingly.
RCK (Gold) - You need RCK (S) for this. Everyone except Hetav, Alfonse, Daniel, Nirmeet and Jeremiah can go.
FA Workshop - Everyone interested can sign up.
If you are interested in joining any one of these workshops and/or accreditations, please email the Batch 60 egroup by this Sunday 25 Sep stating the following:
Name (or group of 3-4 names if you're going for RCK)
Workshop and/or accreditation you're going for - give up to 3 choices.
There are limited slots available for each workshop and accreditation so not everyone might be able to go. You'll be informed of the workshop/accreditation you've been registered for, as well as any accreds that you may need to clear with us internally, in due course.
For all the details of the Workshops and Accreds, you can refer to HQ's letter here.
The record sheets for the various subjects can be found below; please download the relevant .pdf file and print it.
For all the details of the Workshops and Accreds, you can refer to HQ's letter here.
The record sheets for the various subjects can be found below; please download the relevant .pdf file and print it.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
the passing of an era -
and the beginning of another:

(click on image for full size)
Yesterday marked the end of Batch 59's year in charge of the unit - and what a year it has been.
This batch came in when I was in Sec 3 - so I only got to know them for less than half a year before my batch took over in late 2008.
I didn't have much of an impression of them back then - they were (or as I remember) a quiet bunch, generally quite well-behaved and much better than their seniors. So I didn't quite know what to expect the next year when my batch was tasked with running things for them.
So in 2009 things turned out quite well - I took their batch for FA for what was effectively 2 entire terms, and they were really an engaging, lively group of people who paid attention and always seemed eager to learn (a bit like batch 62 really but with a bit more discipline). Thus at my POC - which seemed like only a few months ago - I left the unit rather reluctantly.
And then I came back.
So in 2010 I took this batch again for the entire year - I tried to teach them what it meant to lead the unit; we worked together on innumerable tasks and projects and I pushed them way too hard, expected too much from them - but they always delivered. This batch stuck together through everything we put them through - the multiple recce trips for 6Pak last year, the constant rewriting and refining of activities - all for the sake of the unit. Never once did they give up; they always sought to work together and to give their best for the unit - and it is this spirit that has characterised their entire journey as leaders of this unit, and what I'll always remember them for.
Batch 59 thus really exemplified what it meant to be a batch - a group of unique individuals each with their own strengths and personalities coming and working together for a common goal. It's thus with a twinge of sadness that I'm seeing them leave - but at the same time I'm happy for all that they've accomplished in their years here. 2010/11 may have seemed unfairly short, but it has left with us many great memories of this batch - the various camps they've run, PN, FDCOM and countless others. But all good things must come to an end eventually - that's the way things go.
Thus as b59 moves on and as b60 steps up to fill some very big shoes left for them, I'd once again like to thank this batch for everything they've done for the unit; for the unforgettable memories they've left us, and left me in my 2 years as a VI here; and for everything that they've taught us - the value of teamwork, of determination, and for showing us what it really meant to lead the unit. Thanks for being a truly exceptional batch.

Yesterday marked the end of Batch 59's year in charge of the unit - and what a year it has been.
This batch came in when I was in Sec 3 - so I only got to know them for less than half a year before my batch took over in late 2008.
I didn't have much of an impression of them back then - they were (or as I remember) a quiet bunch, generally quite well-behaved and much better than their seniors. So I didn't quite know what to expect the next year when my batch was tasked with running things for them.
So in 2009 things turned out quite well - I took their batch for FA for what was effectively 2 entire terms, and they were really an engaging, lively group of people who paid attention and always seemed eager to learn (a bit like batch 62 really but with a bit more discipline). Thus at my POC - which seemed like only a few months ago - I left the unit rather reluctantly.
And then I came back.
So in 2010 I took this batch again for the entire year - I tried to teach them what it meant to lead the unit; we worked together on innumerable tasks and projects and I pushed them way too hard, expected too much from them - but they always delivered. This batch stuck together through everything we put them through - the multiple recce trips for 6Pak last year, the constant rewriting and refining of activities - all for the sake of the unit. Never once did they give up; they always sought to work together and to give their best for the unit - and it is this spirit that has characterised their entire journey as leaders of this unit, and what I'll always remember them for.
Batch 59 thus really exemplified what it meant to be a batch - a group of unique individuals each with their own strengths and personalities coming and working together for a common goal. It's thus with a twinge of sadness that I'm seeing them leave - but at the same time I'm happy for all that they've accomplished in their years here. 2010/11 may have seemed unfairly short, but it has left with us many great memories of this batch - the various camps they've run, PN, FDCOM and countless others. But all good things must come to an end eventually - that's the way things go.
Thus as b59 moves on and as b60 steps up to fill some very big shoes left for them, I'd once again like to thank this batch for everything they've done for the unit; for the unforgettable memories they've left us, and left me in my 2 years as a VI here; and for everything that they've taught us - the value of teamwork, of determination, and for showing us what it really meant to lead the unit. Thanks for being a truly exceptional batch.

Friday, September 16, 2011
'Twas the End
'Twas the end of POC, the closing of one chapter of our seniors' lives. Well, good luck to them, and their future endeavours.
POC also marked the takeover of a group of more junior seniors, and the beginning of a new cycle of events and joy and whatnot.
So let us be filled with vigour, and take on the challenge of the new age!
Your Friendly Omega PM
P.S How was SFA?
POC also marked the takeover of a group of more junior seniors, and the beginning of a new cycle of events and joy and whatnot.
So let us be filled with vigour, and take on the challenge of the new age!
Your Friendly Omega PM
P.S How was SFA?
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Parade Rehearsal
Hi all Sec 1s ~
Please come down to the clocktower at 3.00 pm tomorrow for a short drill session. And to try (note try) to collect your boots for the *ahem* parade.
Please try to come :D
Please come down to the clocktower at 3.00 pm tomorrow for a short drill session. And to try (note try) to collect your boots for the *ahem* parade.
Please try to come :D
POC and SFA tomorrow
Hi guys:
for tomorrow take note of the following -
SFA for batch 61
The teachers haven't given us the details for tomorrow yet so for now please meet Brendan at the Atrium immediately after school tomorrow so that he can tell you what to do once he gets the information.
Parade begins at 6pm on the Raffles Square. Please get changed into your full Red Cross Uniform before 6pm. Sec2s if you're delayed by your SFA we'll wait for you.
The Passing Out Ceremony begins at 630pm in the AVT and should end by 830pm. Again you'll need to be in your full Red Cross Uniform for the thing. If you don't have your full uniform for whatever reason (if you don't have badges it's alright) please be attired in school uniform with tie. Refreshments / food will be provided after the thing.
Tomorrow's the Sec4s' last day in the unit, and it's also a send-off for them after their 4 years of service to Red Cross so do show up to show your appreciation for everything they've done!
for tomorrow take note of the following -
SFA for batch 61
The teachers haven't given us the details for tomorrow yet so for now please meet Brendan at the Atrium immediately after school tomorrow so that he can tell you what to do once he gets the information.
Parade begins at 6pm on the Raffles Square. Please get changed into your full Red Cross Uniform before 6pm. Sec2s if you're delayed by your SFA we'll wait for you.
The Passing Out Ceremony begins at 630pm in the AVT and should end by 830pm. Again you'll need to be in your full Red Cross Uniform for the thing. If you don't have your full uniform for whatever reason (if you don't have badges it's alright) please be attired in school uniform with tie. Refreshments / food will be provided after the thing.
Tomorrow's the Sec4s' last day in the unit, and it's also a send-off for them after their 4 years of service to Red Cross so do show up to show your appreciation for everything they've done!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Post Inter-UG Games
Hi guys!
As they always say, results don't always matter! What matters is the participation and the experience, and as you can see we are different from the other UGs in this light. Whereas in other UGs may send a team made up entirely of seniors, in RC everyone including the juniors get a chance to participate in this annual inter-UG competition.
Of course, this does not mean we do not have talent - we may be lacking in terms for physical strength (for now!) but we can show everyone else that even in the face of defeat we do our best and strive for excellence. Sometimes instead of using your muscles you can use your brainpower too :D
Speaking of muscles, a round of applause for all the marathon runners this afternoon!! The half marathon is by far the most physically demanding of the sports played out today, so have a good rest tonight!
For those who left early, here are the results for your information:
Marathon - 6th
Basketball- 4th (sorry thought it was 5th earlier)
Captains' Ball -4th
Floorball - 5th
Frisbee - 6th
Soccer - 4th
Once again, don't have discouraged by fact this is already a very commendable result! I witnessed some moments where foul play might have happened and could have affected the results, but forget about that for now. As Rafflesians we play fairly and not attempt to win by foul means, whatever the situation.
We have no doubt improved from last year, as this time we only have two sports in which we got last. This shows that we are growing into a ever more formidable force compared to last time when we have no more than 2 sports getting a non-last placing. We are ever closer to reaching the goal of getting a top 3 position, and we came close I must say.
I was highly encouraged when our soccer team went off to a good start with a first match win and a second match draw. Learn from your mistakes, and worth noting is that our soccer team is comprised mostly of juniors, which means that you guys can play again (with the same team maybe) next year! Jiayou guys...just keep improving and I'm sure next year we will clinch at least the top 2 for soccer.
Good job to all who played their hearts out for RIRC. There's always next year, and then we will show everyone how we have learnt from our mistakes and how capable we are in these sports.
For now rest well everybody! This is technically the last training before EOYs, and thus there will be standdown from now till after EOYs. Go mugmugmugmugmug :P
Coming up this Friday: Passing out Ceremony!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Inter-UG games day
Hi guys! Below are the allocations for the Inter-UG games day:
Marathon: (Juniors)
Jia Cheng
Jian Xing
Kian Guang
Yi Cheng
Wei Yang
Sub: Shawn
Zhen Si Qi
Jun Wei
Han Sheng
Soe Lwin
Sub: Tianyi
Ching Wai
Ryan Lim
Li Hong
Subs: Li Yuan and Gavin
Yi Min
Captain's ball:
Yue Howe
Kai Yan
Sub: Ryan Chiong and Ryan Foo
First Aiders:
Yu Jun
Jia Ming
Chong Ching
Zhi Jie
Road Marshals (you will be briefed tomorrow on what to do. Basically they direct the runners)
Kim Kwang Kyu
Qi Jing
Have a goodnight's rest before tomorrow! Cya! :)
Inter-UG Games Day
Hi everyone!
Tomorrow is the Inter-UG games day! Hope you all had a good warm up in your respective sports at the end of Monday's training; tomorrow your skills will be put to the test against the other UGs. All the best, encourage and cheer on others while they are playing (or running for the marathon runners), and most importantly have fun!! xD
See all of ya tomorrow! Also, based on feedback on Monday's training, we are tweaking the allocation for the individual sports a little to match your strengths and preferences, so do look out for the final allocation tonight!
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Attendance for POC
Hi all
Please complete the above survey to confirm or deny your attendance for POC this coming Friday. It is compulsory and mandatory.
Help yourself and help us at the same time :D
Please complete the above survey to confirm or deny your attendance for POC this coming Friday. It is compulsory and mandatory.
Help yourself and help us at the same time :D
Sign Ups for Inter UG Games Day
The team allocation has finally been decided.
To take a look at the team allocations, please view it from this link:
Please note that you may not be assigned to your favourite sport but do still turn up do your best for the games you have been allocated to! :)
Some of you may not find your names on the list. However, do take note that you are still supposed to attend CCA and you will be supporting your unit or helping out.
Remember the games start on 14 September 2011~! Good luck and do your best despite any odds~!
You may want to bring your own equipments such as the soccer balls, basket balls, etc.
PS There may be minor changes on Monday.
To take a look at the team allocations, please view it from this link:
Please note that you may not be assigned to your favourite sport but do still turn up do your best for the games you have been allocated to! :)
Some of you may not find your names on the list. However, do take note that you are still supposed to attend CCA and you will be supporting your unit or helping out.
Remember the games start on 14 September 2011~! Good luck and do your best despite any odds~!
You may want to bring your own equipments such as the soccer balls, basket balls, etc.
PS There may be minor changes on Monday.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
DVTOW 30: Season Finale
Welcome to the last episode of DVOTW. This week, we will be featuring a new dance crew for the first time (and probably the last). It is the Quick Crew. Enjoy.
Enough of the analysis, you probably know quite a fair bit.
In this season of DVOTW, we hope we have opened your eyes, mind and heart to a performing arts form called Dance. You yourself have tried your hands and legs at dance too during PN. As school reopens, all the best in your exams and stay tune for the next season of DVOTW (if there is another one…)
From the backstage, your team of producers working to make RIRC a success wants to say……
CCA is a place to try things you can’t in the constraint of a classroom, and dance is just one out of many. For me, it has been a fruitful experience picking up dance as an interest, so to all of you, keep breaking new ground and do something new. That is how you can be someone new after 4 years in RIRC :P
--Zheng Wei
In RIRC, you'll go through a whole lot of experiences that can't be had in the classroom, nor (may I say) other CCAs. You'll learn more about yourself, more about other people and more about life as a whole, especially of the less fortunate. I'll never forget my experience in this CCA, the times i've shared with others and the lessons I will take away when I leave. I hope you will too. Make good use of your time here, bring glory to the unit and make yourself a better person. All the best!
-- Han Sheng
Just remember, in the future, when RIRC participates in competitions or HQ events, whether you guys win or lose, do so like gentlemen. Show they what RI boys are like. Also, treasure your youth and the opportunities being served to your doorsteps. Don't come regretting that you haven't done this or that a few days before your own POC. As you can see from above, we have high hopes for you!!!
-- Hui Jun
Enough of the analysis, you probably know quite a fair bit.
In this season of DVOTW, we hope we have opened your eyes, mind and heart to a performing arts form called Dance. You yourself have tried your hands and legs at dance too during PN. As school reopens, all the best in your exams and stay tune for the next season of DVOTW (if there is another one…)
From the backstage, your team of producers working to make RIRC a success wants to say……
CCA is a place to try things you can’t in the constraint of a classroom, and dance is just one out of many. For me, it has been a fruitful experience picking up dance as an interest, so to all of you, keep breaking new ground and do something new. That is how you can be someone new after 4 years in RIRC :P
--Zheng Wei
Hey, it isn't just a CCA kays :) its a passion. Red Cross has been my home, my family. Not just another fond memory but a life experience as well. There are so many lessons and good memories from RIRC that... I can't say all of it here :) but all of which, you can have too. Put in the effort, try smthing new like Zheng Wei and make use of your time in RIRC wisely; you'll get something so valuable (be it a gf like big boss down there) that you'll never regret :) You all can do it too! =)
-- Deo
Red Cross is where you explore new stuff like first aid and footdrill you wouldn't do anywhere else, meet new friends (like those of the opposite gender *ahem* deo *ahem*), bond with your batch and unit, and just have fun. It's like a family to me and I'm really glad to have known all you wonderful peeps! Keep on striving to do your best in whatever you do, be it school or cca life! When you meet difficulties in life, just remember RIRC is always there for you :D Make the sec 4s proud and keep the phoenix soaring high in the sky! We know you guys can do it :)
-- Brendan
-- Brendan
Hey guys, do treasure your time in Red Cross. 4 years pass by really quickly and it will be over in a flash. For me, I have had a lot of fun and many interesting experiences. All the fun and laughter is unforgettable. I would like to add on to what big boss said above: When you meet difficulties in life, just remember RIRC is always there for you and that 三仙 will always bless you :D
-- Kai Yan
Hihi guys, hope you all will have fun in Red Cross with each other like wabbits weegly and meebling around :D Like Auntie ^, 三仙 will always bless you :O Wun around like boogle buggle and dun forget Zheng Weiiiiiiiii! (esp. Jun Weiiiiiiii) Hahahahah! Zheng Weiiiiiiiiii!
-- Wabbit
Hi guys, hope you enjoyed your Red Cross journey thus far! Please treasure the bonds and friendships that you have built in Red Cross. For the year 1s and 2s, you guys still have much to look forward to (eg. RCYC and UIP). For the year 3s, I trust that you guys will take care of our unit and help maintain our unit's standard of excellence.
I hope that you guys will continue to have the passion for Red Cross. And good luck for the future ahead!!! (And work hard for FAC next year!!!)
-- Colin
4 years in RIRC has given me a lot of wonderful experiences and memories. All the hardship and fun that I've gone through with my batch and you guys are definitely unforgettable. And It's been fun knowing you awesome people. (:
I hope you guys are having a wonderful experience here too. Enjoy awesome and fun things that classrooms and most other CCAs can't provide, such as FOOTDRILL. xP Do treasure the time here in RIRC with your batchmates, seniors and juniors. Let the passion burn in your hearts and bring RIRC to greater heights! (:
--Soe Lwin
4 years in RIRC has given me a lot of wonderful experiences and memories. All the hardship and fun that I've gone through with my batch and you guys are definitely unforgettable. And It's been fun knowing you awesome people. (:
I hope you guys are having a wonderful experience here too. Enjoy awesome and fun things that classrooms and most other CCAs can't provide, such as FOOTDRILL. xP Do treasure the time here in RIRC with your batchmates, seniors and juniors. Let the passion burn in your hearts and bring RIRC to greater heights! (:
--Soe Lwin
In RIRC, you'll go through a whole lot of experiences that can't be had in the classroom, nor (may I say) other CCAs. You'll learn more about yourself, more about other people and more about life as a whole, especially of the less fortunate. I'll never forget my experience in this CCA, the times i've shared with others and the lessons I will take away when I leave. I hope you will too. Make good use of your time here, bring glory to the unit and make yourself a better person. All the best!
-- Han Sheng
Just remember, in the future, when RIRC participates in competitions or HQ events, whether you guys win or lose, do so like gentlemen. Show they what RI boys are like. Also, treasure your youth and the opportunities being served to your doorsteps. Don't come regretting that you haven't done this or that a few days before your own POC. As you can see from above, we have high hopes for you!!!
-- Hui Jun
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Inter UG Games Day Practice Session
Hi Guys~!
Do fill up this survey so we can know if we should have a practice session before the Inter UG Games Day. We will be trying out the different games, mimicking the actual games day.
Thanks~! :)
Do fill up this survey so we can know if we should have a practice session before the Inter UG Games Day. We will be trying out the different games, mimicking the actual games day.
Thanks~! :)
Hey all,
Sorry for the delayed telecast of DVOTW due to FDCom :P Today we are featuring Tony Tran and his epic freestyle.
I guess you all know wad freestyle is from DVTOW 26. So you can try freestyling at home or anywhere to feel comfortable with. It doesn't take much, just allow your body to follow the music.
Try to observe how the moves and steps in Tony's freestyle followed the music e.g. the soft lyrics, and strong drum beats and random little thingies hidden within the music. Tads how freestyle is done.
Oh and btw, the throwing of shoes at the end doesn't mean anything negative (unlike the shoe throwing at George Bush incident)
Anyways, happy holidays (if you have any to speak of :P)
See you soon for the next episode of DVOTW
Sorry for the delayed telecast of DVOTW due to FDCom :P Today we are featuring Tony Tran and his epic freestyle.
I guess you all know wad freestyle is from DVTOW 26. So you can try freestyling at home or anywhere to feel comfortable with. It doesn't take much, just allow your body to follow the music.
Try to observe how the moves and steps in Tony's freestyle followed the music e.g. the soft lyrics, and strong drum beats and random little thingies hidden within the music. Tads how freestyle is done.
Oh and btw, the throwing of shoes at the end doesn't mean anything negative (unlike the shoe throwing at George Bush incident)
Anyways, happy holidays (if you have any to speak of :P)
See you soon for the next episode of DVOTW
Red Cross Flag Day + SANA Results
For those who have signed up for the Flag Day,
Please be reminded of the following details:
Date: 7th September 2011 (Wednesday)
Time: 0700 - 1230
Venue: Report at Raffles Institution Main Atrium (by 0650 as bus ;eaving @ 7am)
Dismissal at CHIJ Secondary School, Toa Payoh (collection center)
Attire: Unit Tee with PE Shorts or PE Attire
The following people are those who have signed up:
Allan Zhou
David Wang
Wang Zijun
Chan Zhi Zhang Amos
Lee Jian Xing
Joash Chin
Kang Yi Cheng
Zhang Yimin
Daniel Lim
Lau Yue Howe
Ye Yixin Samuel
See Wei Yang
Ryan Lim
Tan Zong Xian Justin
Chua Ching Wai
Ryan Chiong
Darryl Lee
George Lin
Sean Wong
(Those who signed up but are not supposed to attend:
Ng Jun Wei
Tan Li Yuan
Forster Khoo
Gavin Tan
Reeve Chia Jing
Zhen Si Qi
Please do not come as you guys are underaged)
Please do not forget to come~! Also, if you still do not have your consent forms please download from:
On a side note, these are the people who have passed the SANA coures~! :)
Congrats~! Your badges will be arriving soon~!
Please be reminded of the following details:
Date: 7th September 2011 (Wednesday)
Time: 0700 - 1230
Venue: Report at Raffles Institution Main Atrium (by 0650 as bus ;eaving @ 7am)
Dismissal at CHIJ Secondary School, Toa Payoh (collection center)
Attire: Unit Tee with PE Shorts or PE Attire
The following people are those who have signed up:
Allan Zhou
David Wang
Wang Zijun
Chan Zhi Zhang Amos
Lee Jian Xing
Joash Chin
Kang Yi Cheng
Zhang Yimin
Daniel Lim
Lau Yue Howe
Ye Yixin Samuel
See Wei Yang
Ryan Lim
Tan Zong Xian Justin
Chua Ching Wai
Ryan Chiong
Darryl Lee
George Lin
Sean Wong
(Those who signed up but are not supposed to attend:
Ng Jun Wei
Tan Li Yuan
Forster Khoo
Gavin Tan
Reeve Chia Jing
Zhen Si Qi
Please do not come as you guys are underaged)
Please do not forget to come~! Also, if you still do not have your consent forms please download from:
On a side note, these are the people who have passed the SANA coures~! :)
Congrats~! Your badges will be arriving soon~!
Saturday, September 3, 2011
FDC 2011 : NyanCom Edition
Hi all,
This year's FDCom has several 'firsts'.
To start off, it is the first time we are having a Sec 1 participating in the competition. A round off applause for Kelvinder for all his effort to catch up with the more experienced and proficient Sec 3s and 4s. He was really great during the competition.
For the prelims, we got South District 3rd placing as well as....... BEST NATIONAL COMMANDER!!!!!!!! Basically, this is the first time it was awarded to an RI commander. Our dear Soe Lwin sir was awarded this amongst the 32 other commanders from other units in this competition. AWESUM!!!!
For the finals, it was a National 2nd. So far, this is the highest achievement we have gotten for the recent 5 years of FDCom.
I think the FDcommers all deserve big round of applause and a good rest after all the 10 hours of neck-breaking, feet-cracking and brain-wrecking experience. Good job guys!!!
So this FDCom concludes our series of competitions this year. Next year, will be a greater and more groundbreaking experience for competitions. So all the best for next year!!!!
This year's FDCom has several 'firsts'.
To start off, it is the first time we are having a Sec 1 participating in the competition. A round off applause for Kelvinder for all his effort to catch up with the more experienced and proficient Sec 3s and 4s. He was really great during the competition.
For the prelims, we got South District 3rd placing as well as....... BEST NATIONAL COMMANDER!!!!!!!! Basically, this is the first time it was awarded to an RI commander. Our dear Soe Lwin sir was awarded this amongst the 32 other commanders from other units in this competition. AWESUM!!!!
For the finals, it was a National 2nd. So far, this is the highest achievement we have gotten for the recent 5 years of FDCom.
I think the FDcommers all deserve big round of applause and a good rest after all the 10 hours of neck-breaking, feet-cracking and brain-wrecking experience. Good job guys!!!
So this FDCom concludes our series of competitions this year. Next year, will be a greater and more groundbreaking experience for competitions. So all the best for next year!!!!
Friday, September 2, 2011
Footdrill Competition 2011
Hi all,
Here are the details for FDCom tomorrow.
Reporting: Raffles Institution Main Atrium, 7.45 a.m. (disregard consent form)
Dismissal: Compassvale Secondary School, ~5.00 p.m.
You can come even if you have not indicated your attendance to Justin IC. Consent form is here.
All the best to our FDCom squad!
Here are the details for FDCom tomorrow.
Reporting: Raffles Institution Main Atrium, 7.45 a.m. (disregard consent form)
Dismissal: Compassvale Secondary School, ~5.00 p.m.
You can come even if you have not indicated your attendance to Justin IC. Consent form is here.
All the best to our FDCom squad!
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Pledge Cards
Hi Guys~!
Remember that the deadline for the pledge cards is Wk 10 Wednesday, so please remember to bring it during training.
Also, please try to collect at least $80 by then for our EUA (though it's the thought that counts :P).
Remember that the deadline for the pledge cards is Wk 10 Wednesday, so please remember to bring it during training.
Also, please try to collect at least $80 by then for our EUA (though it's the thought that counts :P).
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Hi all once again,
I believe most of u hav heard enuf 'Tan' puns from fb, SMSes, youtube etc, so I didn't bother searching for a choreographer with a Tan in his name.
We are featuring Prepix Crew this week. This is there promotional video, something like they are recruiting.
Intersting isnt it? A 360 degrees dance. I actually wonder how skillful the cameraman is hahas. And it is not easy to choreograph a dance to cater to all angles :P
the 360 degrees thingy reminds me of last year's Teacher's Day Celebration. The stage is really 360 with the audience all around. Here's wishing our dear teachers and YOs a great Happy Teacher's Day for all their effort they've put in.
So stay tuned for another episode of DVOTW and happy elections day as well lol.
I believe most of u hav heard enuf 'Tan' puns from fb, SMSes, youtube etc, so I didn't bother searching for a choreographer with a Tan in his name.
We are featuring Prepix Crew this week. This is there promotional video, something like they are recruiting.
Intersting isnt it? A 360 degrees dance. I actually wonder how skillful the cameraman is hahas. And it is not easy to choreograph a dance to cater to all angles :P
the 360 degrees thingy reminds me of last year's Teacher's Day Celebration. The stage is really 360 with the audience all around. Here's wishing our dear teachers and YOs a great Happy Teacher's Day for all their effort they've put in.
So stay tuned for another episode of DVOTW and happy elections day as well lol.
OA Practical Component Results
Hey all!
All Sec 1s (except Kelvinder and Sakthivel who did not take the practical component) passed the practical component of OA Bronze accreds! Don't worry Sakthivel and Kelvinder, you will be able to take the practical component soon :D
The theory bit will come in the future! Have fun mugging!
All Sec 1s (except Kelvinder and Sakthivel who did not take the practical component) passed the practical component of OA Bronze accreds! Don't worry Sakthivel and Kelvinder, you will be able to take the practical component soon :D
The theory bit will come in the future! Have fun mugging!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
IMH Visit 26/8/11 Consent Forms
Hi Guys~!
Here's the link to the consent form:
All info should be in there.
The people going are:
Jia Cheng
Yue Howe
Ching Wai
Kai Yen
Qi Jing
You guys should have been informed quite some time ago.
Here's the link to the consent form:
All info should be in there.
The people going are:
Jia Cheng
Yue Howe
Ching Wai
Kai Yen
Qi Jing
You guys should have been informed quite some time ago.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Come prepared. Sec 1s who have not passed Evac (B), you will be accreded on that day. Good luck! :)
FD Tips
Hey all! I believe that most of you cadets know how to do some basic marching commands already ~
Basically, there are a few errors that each and every one of you should be aware of:
Dressing not proper
Arm swings not in coordination
Legs not 90 degrees
Wheeling not executed properly - person pivoting moves a lot, back ranks cannot catch up with front rank
Arms flaying when executing turns in static drill
So here are a few tips:
First the foundations - arms locked, legs 90 degrees, head tilted up with an angle of elevation of 45 degrees.
While marching, shift your eyes left and right to see whether you are in time with the person next to you.
While marching on the spot, legs should ALSO be raised to 90 degrees and your feet should be pointing down (Land on the balls of your feet. If you don't know what that is, go look it up in the wiki or ask a friendly batchmate) to minimalise noise made and if you can do it properly, you won't be so tired. Also, look up with an angle of elevation of 45 degrees and stare HARD at a non-moving spot. This way, you won't move.
SLOW DOWN after wheeling for the back ranks to catch up
You don't need to jerk your arms up and look like a robot, but do it FAST while still in time with others of course.
Why should you do FD properly? This is because you will be involved in MANY parades. And when you mess up in a parade, it is VERY obvious because EVERYONE around you will be executing perfect drills.
And that's it. Just follow these tips, put in your 100 percent effort and you will be eligible for FDC in no time!
By the way, don't let me catch any of you fidgeting...
Signing off...
P.S This is not promised, but I MAY award platoon points if you can guess who I am. Just send me an email if you know the answer!
Basically, there are a few errors that each and every one of you should be aware of:
Dressing not proper
Arm swings not in coordination
Legs not 90 degrees
Wheeling not executed properly - person pivoting moves a lot, back ranks cannot catch up with front rank
Arms flaying when executing turns in static drill
So here are a few tips:
First the foundations - arms locked, legs 90 degrees, head tilted up with an angle of elevation of 45 degrees.
While marching, shift your eyes left and right to see whether you are in time with the person next to you.
While marching on the spot, legs should ALSO be raised to 90 degrees and your feet should be pointing down (Land on the balls of your feet. If you don't know what that is, go look it up in the wiki or ask a friendly batchmate) to minimalise noise made and if you can do it properly, you won't be so tired. Also, look up with an angle of elevation of 45 degrees and stare HARD at a non-moving spot. This way, you won't move.
SLOW DOWN after wheeling for the back ranks to catch up
You don't need to jerk your arms up and look like a robot, but do it FAST while still in time with others of course.
Why should you do FD properly? This is because you will be involved in MANY parades. And when you mess up in a parade, it is VERY obvious because EVERYONE around you will be executing perfect drills.
And that's it. Just follow these tips, put in your 100 percent effort and you will be eligible for FDC in no time!
By the way, don't let me catch any of you fidgeting...
Signing off...
P.S This is not promised, but I MAY award platoon points if you can guess who I am. Just send me an email if you know the answer!
Monday, August 22, 2011
Red Cross Pledge Cards
Hi All,
For those who have not received your Red Cross Pledge Cards yet, please meet Ms Grace Kong at Staffroom 1 at 7am tomorrow, 23 August 2011, Tuesday.
Also, all the best to the year 4s taking their Higher Mother Tongue Prelims this Friday!!!
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