Hi Sec2s!
Gold Modular Workshops/Accreditations are coming on 22/29 October respectively!
For FD, OA and Evac (Gold), you'll have to attend both the workshop and the accreditation.
For RCK (Gold), you only need to go for the accreditation on the 29th.
There is also a First Aid workshop open to all interested participants on the 22nd. There is no accreditation for First Aid and this workshop does NOT take the place of SFA.
edit: the last time I checked, one can't be in 2 places at the same time - if it isn't obvious already you can only go for one (1) workshop on the 22nd and one (1) accreditation on the 29th.
All workshops and accreditations will be held from 9am to 5.30pm at the Red Cross Campsite on both days, so if you sign up do make sure that you can make it down for the relevant dates. You cannot leave early so if you have something on please either reschedule it or not sign up this round.
Details of Workshops and Accreditations
Footdrill: Attire - Full Red Cross Uniform for both days. Bring your stationery, 1.5l labelled water bottle, a set of FD (G) notes - download from the RCY website - and a blank FD (G) record sheet on the 22nd.
Evacuation: Attire - Mufti (PE shirt + dark blue or black track pants) for both days. Bring your stationery, 1.5l labelled water bottle, a set of Evac (G) notes - download from RCY website as well, newspaper and a blank Evac (G) record sheet.
OA: Attire - Mufti (PE shirt + dark blue or black track pants) for both days. Bring your stationery, 1.5l labelled water bottle, a set of OA (G) notes - download from RCY website, a metal fork and spoon and a blank OA (G) record sheet.
RCK (Accred only on 29th; no workshop): Attire - Full RC Uniform. Accreditation will be a 10 minute presentation on a set topic that has to be prepared before the accreditation. You'll be working in a team of 3 - 4 cadets so you need to find a group with your batchmates first. For information on the topics and the presentation criteria refer to the first link at the bottom. You will also need a record sheet for each member in the team which can be found below.
FA Workshop on 22nd: Attire - Mufti (PE shirt + dark blue or black track pants), bring your stationery, 1.5l labelled water bottle, 1 triangular bandage and 1 roller bandage.
Requirements for workshops/accreditations
FD (Gold) - You need to have FD (S) to go for the workshop. Since most of you haven't taken your silver accreds yet, what we'll do is register you first and conduct your accred either next week or after EOYs but before the workshop.
Evac (Gold) - You need Evac (S) to register for this workshop. Thus only the following people are currently eligible to sign up: Jian Xing, Amos, Yimin, Joash, Yi Cheng, Zi Jun and David. Those who have failed their theory but passed practical (i.e. Rayner, Vijay, Kian Guang, Brendon, Samuel and Arun) can sign up as well, but you'll have to clear your theory
next week or else we won't let you go.
OA (Gold) - Everyone with OA (B) can sign up (i.e. except Yue Howe, Brendon, Nirmeet, Jeremiah and Alfonse) but you need to clear your OA (S) accreds either next week or after EOYs before the workshop. We'll contact / inform you accordingly.
RCK (Gold) - You need RCK (S) for this. Everyone except Hetav, Alfonse, Daniel, Nirmeet and Jeremiah can go.
FA Workshop - Everyone interested can sign up.
If you are interested in joining any one of these workshops and/or accreditations, please email the Batch 60 egroup by this Sunday 25 Sep stating the following:
Name (or group of 3-4 names if you're going for RCK)
Workshop and/or accreditation you're going for - give up to 3 choices.
There are limited slots available for each workshop and accreditation so not everyone might be able to go. You'll be informed of the workshop/accreditation you've been registered for, as well as any accreds that you may need to clear with us internally, in due course.
For all the details of the Workshops and Accreds, you can refer to HQ's letter
The record sheets for the various subjects can be found below; please download the relevant .pdf file and print it.