Friday, December 31, 2010
A Whole New Year
Wondering if any of you guys actually look forward to next year.
Year 3s you're gonna have new classmates and all, and it will be a whole new learning experience for you in LP (in case you dunno, its Leadership Programme). Not trying to scare you guys, but things are gonna become really hectic, more workload, more subjects, more responsibility, whether during training or not. Before they sky comes crashing down on you, please enjoy the rest of the hols and rest well. Enjoy the time you have in OBS too :)
Year 2s, although you will still be in the same class, it is now you responsibility to look of the NEW batch of Year 1s coming in your platoons. New faces, new platoon members, new challenges. I hope you look forward to these new leadership opportunities.
3 more hours to a new year, 3 more days a new school term, 3 more months a new March holidays. Treasure the present and embrace the future
Happy New Year to all :P
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Good luck to those going for RCYC'2010 and REMEMBER TO HAVE FUN! (Red Cross Youth Challenge for those who still don't know... which should be quite unlikely) Don't forget to find............................ The right places to where you're going XD (Not the other thing. *ahemahem*)
Monday, December 13, 2010
For those of you who don't know, attached is a map showing where the Red Cross House (or Red Cross HQ) is. The nearest MRT station is Dhoby Ghaut. Zoom in for more detail.
View Larger Map
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Project Red Cross Love
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Newspaper Collection
Monday, November 29, 2010
My Sec 1 Life in RIRC
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Newspaper Collection Consent Form
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Newspaper Collection
- Time: 8.30am to 1.30pm
- Reporting and dismissal venue: RI Main Atrium
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Greendale Campfire Update
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Greendale Campfire
FACOM 2011
Monday, November 15, 2010
VON Photos
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
VON Camp Consent Form
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
CCL Consent
Sunday, October 31, 2010
We will be having TWO camp briefings tomorrow.
1) Right after school for those not going for the CIP tomorrow;
2) At 4pm when those going for CIP come back.
Please meet at the SR Block Foyer and bring some writing materials along. The meeting will be short and won't last more than 30 minutes.
See you there!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Picture of the Week (Guess Who?)
![]() |
From Photo of the Week 2 |
Jean Henri Dunant (Remember your RCV!!!)
+10 points for Iota thx to Justin.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Latest Update on Photoshoot
for tomorrow, please meet at 8am if you want to change to RCU in school. Do remember to bring everything, your boots, beret, belt, and of course your uniform. You wouldnt want to look shabby during the photoshoot right? :)
If you are coming straight from home with your RCU on already, then do be in school latest by 8.25am.
By 8.30am, all of us must be ready, so do not be late. Set your alarm clock guys!
Please be reminded that tomorrow's meeting venue has been changed to the stadium steps, outside the hall. The photoshoot will not last until 12.30am. It will end at around 10.30am to 11.00am. (This has not really been confirmed by the photographer, but other ccas that took their photos today ended at around this time, so ours should be the same too).
Hope to see all you there!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Photoshoot reminder
do be reminded of the unit photoshoot on Friday. The photographer hasnt called us yet, so we don't know our exact timeslot :(
But don't worry! Your friendly PMs will call you guys to inform you of the exact timing :)
Once again,
Attire: Full Red Cross Uniform (the one with the rank, badges, and beret)
Time: 8.30am-12.30pm (don't worry, it wont take 4h. This timeslot was allocated to 2 other ccas, so the time our photoshoot takes will be shorter)
Venue: Parade Square (not outside AHH, which was in the previous post)
See you guys there!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Gold Modular Workshops
Hope the EOYs haven't blown your mind :D
By the way, this post only pertains to the Sec 2s.
As you know, the Gold Modular Workshops are held this coming Saturday, 23 Oct, and the Accreds are next Saturday, 30 Oct. The people who signed up are:
Ching Wai, George, Kavin, Wei Yang, Qijing --------- Evacuation Gold
Darryl, Kai Yen ------ Footdrill Gold (accreds only)
Ryan Lim, Justin ------- Footdrill Gold
Kishore, Ryan Chiong ------ Outdoor Activities Gold
Here are the details for the Accreds:
1. Casualty Evacuation
Date : 23 October 2010 and 30 October 2010
Time : 9.00am to 5.30pm (for both days, lunch not provided)
Venue : Red Cross Campsite (62 Jalan Khairuddin, Singapore 457524)
Attire : Mufti (School t-shirt/ Red Cross t-shirt with dark coloured track pants
and school shoes)
Pre-Requisite : Attained Casualty Evacuation Silver Badge
Details : No Cap, closing date for registration is 20 October
Things to bring : Stationary, Water Bottle, a set of Newspaper, Empty Gold Mass Accreditation Record Sheet
2. Outdoor Activities Workshop (Gold Syllabus)
Date : 23 October 2010 and 30 October 2010
Time : 9.00am to 5.30pm (for both days, lunch not provided)
Venue : Red Cross Campsite (62 Jalan Khairuddin, Singapore 457524)
Attire : Mufti (School t-shirt/ Red Cross t-shirt with dark coloured track pants
and school shoes)
Pre-Requisite : Attained Outdoor Activities Silver Badge
Details : No Cap, closing date for registration is 20 October
Things to bring : Stationary, Water Bottle, Metal fork and spoon, Empty Gold Mass Accreditation Record Sheet
3. Footdrill Workshop (Gold Syllabus)
Date : 23 October 2010 and 30 October 2010
Time : 9.00am to 5.30pm (for both days, lunch not provided)
Venue : Red Cross Campsite (62 Jalan Khairuddin, Singapore 457524)
Attire : Full Uniform
Pre-Requisite : Attained Footdrill Silver Badge
Details : No Cap, closing date for registration is 20 October
Things to bring : Stationary, Water Bottle, Empty Gold Mass Accreditation Record Sheet
4. Casualty Evacuation Mass Accreditation (Gold Syllabus)
Date : 30 October 2010
Time : 9.00am to 5.30pm (lunch not provided, allowed to leave once they have passed their accreditations)
Venue : Red Cross Campsite (62 Jalan Khairuddin, Singapore 457524)
Attire : Mufti (School t-shirt/ Red Cross t-shirt with dark coloured track pants
and school shoes)
Pre-Requisite : Attained Casualty Evacuation Silver Badge, Full knowledge in the Casualty evacuation Gold Syllabus
Details : No Cap, closing date for registration is 20 October
Things to bring : Stationary, Water Bottle, Signed Gold Mass Accreditation Record Sheet
5. Outdoor Activities Mass Accreditation (Gold Syllabus)
Date : 30 October 2010
Time : 9.00am to 5.30pm (lunch not provided, allowed to leave once they have passed their accreditations)
Venue : Red Cross Campsite (62 Jalan Khairuddin, Singapore 457524)
Attire : Mufti (School t-shirt/ Red Cross t-shirt with dark coloured track pants
and school shoes)
Pre-Requisite : Attained Outdoor Activities Silver Badge, Full knowledge in the Outdoor Activities Gold Syllabus
Details : No Cap, closing date for registration is 20 October
Things to bring : Stationary, Water Bottle, Metal Fork and Spoon, Signed Gold Mass Accreditation Record Sheet
6. Footdrill Mass Accreditation (Gold Syllabus)
Date : 30 October 2010
Time : 9.00am to 5.30pm (lunch not provided, allowed to leave once they have passed their accreditations)
Venue : Red Cross Campsite (62 Jalan Khairuddin, Singapore 457524)
Attire : Full Uniform
Pre-Requisite : Attained Footdrill Silver Badge, Full knowledge in the Footdrill Gold Syllabus
Details : No Cap, closing date for registration is 20 October
Things to bring : Stationary, Water Bottle, Signed Gold Mass Accreditation Record Sheet
Good Luck and Have Fun!!! :)
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Poster of the Week
Friday, October 8, 2010
Unit Photoshoot
Monday, October 4, 2010
UIP Info
- Silver Proficiency in the subject (For OA ppl dont worry, we will accred you before the date)
- Max 2 cadets for each subject. Max 6 cadets for each unit.
- Each cadet can only have 1 specialization
- Must be able to attain all training dates
- Must pass a Knowledge Test on Contact Session 1
- Tested on knowledge from Bronze and Silver
- 2 chances to pass the test. Failures will be considered on a case by case basis
- Contact Session 1: 6 Nov 2010, 0845 - 1800
- Contact Session 2: 13 Nov 2010, 0845 - 1800
- 3D2N Training Camp: 19 Nov 2010, 0845 - 21 Nov 2010, 1230
- Contact Session 3: 27 Nov 2010, 0845 - 1800
Saturday, October 2, 2010
RCY Challenge
Jus for those who are interested to noe wad RCYC is all abt.
Below are some of the details:
Its a chance for experiential learning and leadership development and to step our of yr comfort zone.
The Camp will be in a form of a race around Singapore.
Name: The RED Race
Slogan: Ready, Excite, Discover.
Delegates will be invited from other Asian countries to take part in the Race. You will get to go to various destinations in Singapore (such as the Zoo, Sentosa, P. Ubin and the CBD area)
There will be a campfire, with dance, songs and cultural performances.
Upon completion, you will receive a National Heritage Badge and National Youth Achievement Award (NYAA) Bronze. Lanyards are awarded too by HQ to those who work hard and be enthu
Do indicate if you are interested to attend.
Friday, October 1, 2010
RC Events
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
RIRC Events Signup
Please sign up for RIRC events here by Thursday, namely Red Cross Youth Challenge (RCYC), UIP (Unit Instructor Programme), First Aid Competition (Facom) and the Gold Mass Accreds. Your PMs will be calling you up to explain more about each event, as well as to remind everyone about it. Dates and some details are on the form, any other queries please direct them to your PMs.
If you do not wish to sign up for any, do not submit the form at all.
If you wish to sign up for some of the events, fill in the entire form, and select "Not Attending" or "Not applicable" for those that you do not wish to sign up for.
B61 may only sign up for Facom (you'll get your turn next year for everything else :D)
Saturday, September 18, 2010
A New Chapter
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
On Friday, please remember to prepare your FULL uniforms and meet at the canteen at 2pm please. We will do a few run throughs of the parade and make sure that everyone knows the procedures.
The actual Parade and Ceremony will start at 5.30pm, and please remember that parents do not have to come.
Its the real parade on Friday, so do your very best. The Sec 3s are sure that you can do it!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Trainings till EOYs
There has been some confusion about whether there is training next week, so hopefully this post will clear all the doubts.
There will not be any training from now on, until end of EOYs. Of course, you still have to go for the POP training next week. It is compulsory for everyone.
The details for this training is here:
Date: Wednesday, 15th Spetember
Time: 3.30pm to about 5.30-6pm
Attire: PE
We hope that you guys will take this rehearsal seriously. The parade will after all be for our Sec 4s, who have done so much for the unit. It is only right that we show our appreciation, right?
There is quite a number of you that have not come for a single training, so we expect these people to all be there on Wednesday. After all, it is normal training hours, so you guys should not have any excuse for not coming.
Other than these people, we also want to see that everyone else will be present.
We hope to see all of you there.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Selamat Hari Raya Puasa
Firstly, Selamat Hari Raya Puasa to all our dear Muslim friends:) Happy hols to the rest of us too!
Secondly, regarding the missing pics at the top of the blog, dun wry cos we will be revamping the blog.
All the best and make use of the remaining hols wisely.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Sunday, September 5, 2010
POP Training 2
Hi all,
As you know, the turnout for the parade rehearsal on thursday was terrible. Very few people actually turned up. Tomorrow there will be another training. It will last from 9am to 5pm. If you guys perform well, we could end early. So please take this seriously. Anyone who doesn't turn up without a valid excuse will have his promotion delayed. If you have a remedial class, inform us of the time and come right after the class ends. If you skip tomorrows training, you will still have to come for another one. So the choice is yours. See you guys at the Parade Square tomorrow at 9am.
Thank You
Friday, September 3, 2010
Dover Park Hospice SUNday Walk (again!)
Those who are going for the DPH SUNday Walk, please wear the yellow T-Shirt that I have given you either today or yesterday on Sunday. It's not in the consent form but you HAVE TO wear it.
Thanks :)
Thursday, September 2, 2010
POP Training Today
Last training, we told you that there was POP training this afternoon. I couldn't turn up myself to help as I had RA Class and Parody Rehearsals which stretched till 7pm. However, the Sec 3s there told me that only about 10 people came. Yes, I have the names. To these people, thank you. I mean it.
I know the majority who did not turn up had valid reasons for not coming. Its okay. Just be sure to turn up on next Monday's one, its really important.
However, for those few of you who decided not to go for no reason at all, think about it. Is this the kind of impression you want to give to the Sec 4s? The Sec 3s? The Sec 1s/2s? Or even your batch mates?
If most of us turned up for one training, it could really be ONE training. We could explain all the steps to you, practice a couple of times, and... wait. That's all. You could go home right after that. However, if we have attendances like 10 people, nothing can be done and we might have to reschedule training after training.
So yes, by not coming, you do not only inconvenience yourself by not knowing what to do, you push others down by making them have to come for the trainings you aren't at and not using their time to the max there. And remember, all it takes is ONE jarring mistake by ONE person in a squad to mess everything up.
So please, help yourself, help your batch, help the unit. Please try your best to turn up for this Monday's training. The PMs will be calling you to confirm your attendance.
-Han Sheng
P.S. I believe Vatsal has called for the Sec 1 POC video filming to be tomorrow. Sec 1s, please turn up for it.
P.P.S. Also, Sec 1s, 2s, please take note that as your promotions will not be carried out during POC, you do not need to invite your parents down.
P.P.S. Same thing goes for FACOM support. If you're free, just come down to support our FACOMers. They have trained everyday for the past 3 weeks and everyone would agree with me that they more than deserve our support. Seriously, your presence does make a difference.
Dover Park Hospice SUNday Walk
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Parade Training I
Monday, August 30, 2010
Footdrill Re-accreds for Sec 2s
RIFA(B) Results
(As you all know, there are three components for RIFA(B) Accreds - Theory, Practical 1 and Practical 2.)
Sunday, August 29, 2010
A Blast from the Past II (2008)
The video on this page shows some random stuff happening in the 2008 June camp. And in case you're wondering, the water's coming from a hose upstairs xD
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Stuff to bring on Monday's Training
Sec 1s and 2s, do bring 2 triangular bandages each on Monday's training. Sec 1s for RIFA (B) accreds, and sec 2s for RIFA (S) lesson.
Do mug hard for the accreds! Revising and practising together will definitely prepare you better than just doing it alone, so go form a group within your platoon or within the batch!
Good Luck!
Dover Park Hospice SUNday Walk
Those who have registered for the Dover Park Hospice SUNday Walk (i.e. Ching Wai, Justin, Wei Yang, Kai Yen, and Ryan Chiong), please note that the consent forms will be given out on Monday.
More details will be given in the consent form, but the meeting place is confirmed to be HarbourFront Bus Interchange at 2.30pm on 5 September, where buses will be provided by Dover Park Hospice. A coupon will be issued to allow you to take the bus for free. On the day itself, please bring the coupon, or else you will have to pay $3 to take the bus.
I will be giving out this coupon and the shirts tentatively on Thursday, depending on when I can collect them from DPH. Consent forms will also be collected on Thursday.
Attendance records
Friday, August 27, 2010
Inter-Unit Activity
Some of you might remember, there was a post quite a while ago which had all the dates of upcoming events.
And those of you might have caught something that was supposed to happen tomorrow.
28 August (Week 9 Saturday) - Inter-unit activity
Now I'm here to inform you all that the activity has been postponed to a later date (to after the EOYs).
Make use of the free Saturday to prepare yourselves for the major exams ahead!
Work hard now, play hard later :)
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Accreds dates and Syllabus Checklist
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Don't feel disheartened if you didn't manage to play well or get the results that you wanted today. Knowing that you did your best and having fun is what matters :D
By the way, here's an interesting video of the India Pakistan Border closing ceremony. Their FD is really quite cool XD
Have fun, and remember to study for your EOYs!
This might not sound like me and I'm sorry if I betrayed my portrayal of being a super sadistic, radical and bad guy. But I would really like to congratulate all for your effort today. Note again, not results. Effort. I trust that everyone did their best for the games today. The results can't be helped and I personally apologize for that 5 goal let in by Scouts 01. (But they were damn gay ok) Everyone put in effort whether be it participating, cheering or being in FA duty. Thank you everyone.
Of course, there will be skeptics questioning me do I really feel this way? Do results seriously don't matter? Well I know that posts on this blog are supposed to be for the unit, but here are my two cents worth. Other UG members hit the minimum quota of sec1s and sec2s and then, fill the rest up with secondary threes. I admit for floorball we got soe lwin and hansheng later and so might really contradict what we want for all cadets to participate.
Basically, what we hope to attain is to allow as many cadets as possible to at least participate in the sports and move away from the elitist mindset. Which is why you noticed basketball had only Colin in it for upper secondary.
However I [and note I do not stand for my batch] feel that this is of course impractical and unrealistic for us to get last every year (btw good job for 4th for soccer ) in most sports for most cadets to participate. Do note however, despite the fact that I am against this practice, my congratulations and thanks to all of you are sincere as I really saw most of you put in your utmost effort for this IUG games.
Therefore, to end off this post, I would like to ask all of you and seek your feedback. Would you rather we do proper screening tests and allocate people who are particularly good to go before filling the remaining empty slots with people who wish to go? Or do you wish for us to try and put as many people who wish to go for the sport as possible disregarding proficiency? I hope for your honest feedback. Please feedback on the tagboard and I will be monitoring it for your responses. If no feedback is given we will just continue with this practice of moving away from elitism then. Thank you very much for listening to my rambling xD
Best Regards,
Jee Kinn
Monday, August 23, 2010
RIFA (B) Post-Mortem
I was grading the FA(B) accreds for the Sec2s today, and as you can see from the results below, they weren't exactly very good.
Sec1s, you'll be taking the very same accred next Monday, so now you might be wondering - if so few Sec2s pass, what hope do I have?
Well read on to find out how you can pass these accreds [and all subsequent ones].
So where did everyone go wrong?
Theory: could have been a lot better. Why? A lack of practice. The syllabus for FA(B) can be found in your development portfolio, so make sure you're confident of every single point in the syllabus before coming for the accred on Monday. Learn your acronyms, the injuries listed - how to recognise and treat them, the uses of the various bandages and items in a first-aid kit and you should do fine.
Go seek out the Sec3s or the Sec2s for clarifications if necessary - we're all here to help you.
Practical: again it was due to a lack of practice. Most of the Sec2s today could tie all the bandages required correctly, just that either 1. they took way too much time because they were not confident and weren't quite sure of how to tie them and/or 2. the bandaging was so messy that they ended up being marked down.
These 2 problems are very easily solved - with practice! Get yourselves familiar with all the bandages listed in the syllabus, and practice tying them quickly and well. If you can get that then the practical component should be a piece of cake too.
Practice by yourself, or as a platoon, or as a batch or even with the Sec2s or 3s - and you'll find yourself a lot more confident when Monday comes around - and you'll do well.
So Sec1s really there's no reason why you ought to be worrying about Monday's accreds. Just put in some effort [about an hour's worth of revision should cut it, if you've been coming for trainings and paying attention], don't freak out during the test and you'll be alright.
The paper isn't easy, but it is very doable - if you're prepared for it, that is.
All the best for Monday!
Syllabus Checklist
RIFA Bronze Accred Results
Chong Ching
Sunday, August 22, 2010
A gift from God, Literally?
Y'all running about with watermelons worrying about your RIFA B?
Fear not, this ppt from god includes causes treatment and symptoms of various burns.
I know you're asking.. Why burns? It's cos god is kind! :D (And you had a FA lesson on it last Wed..) ~ Which was not delved into with godlike detail, thus this godlike ppt provides the burny essentials!
P.S. I am not god.
P.P.S When gods pee, it turns into Golden Eggs from Cowland! Ain't that kewl 0.o
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Blast From the Past (RCGT)
Footdrill Accreds Review
RIFA Bronze and Accreditations
FD Silver and Bronze Results
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
FD Silver
Monday, August 16, 2010
SANA Course
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Food for thought
I read some book I stumbled upon and just wanted to share some parts of it with all of you. One of the stories inside was called the 99 club.
So the story goes like this:
There was once this king in this faraway kingdom. He also felt grumpy, and did not know how to become happy again, as he was when he was a prince. Then one day, he saw this servant, who was humming away happily while cleaning the palace.
Curious, the king asked the servant : "Why are you always so happy?"
The servant replied: "Sire, I am happy because I am satisfied with whatever I own now. I have a roof over my head, my stomach is full, and I have a great caring family."
But the king did not believe that a person could be so happy just because of such simple reasons. He asked his most trusted advisor why the servant was so happy.
The advisor replied : "He is so happy now because he is not a member of the 99 club."
The king, now curious about the 99 club, asked his advisor what it was about. The advisor told him that to truly know what The 99 club is, Your Majesty, you need to place 99 gold coins in a bag and leave it at the servant's doorstep.
Later, when the servant found the bad of coins, he let out a great shout of joy and started to counted the coins. He was not convinced that someone would leave 99 coins, and wondered where the 100th gold coin was. Unable to find it after several days, he decided that he was going to work extra hard to earn the final coin to complete his collection.
From then on, the overworked man became horribly grumpy, and he criticized his family severely for not helping him earn that last coin. He even stopped humming when working.
Noticing the transformation, the advisor told the king: " Your Majesty, the servant has officially joined The 99 Club.
The 99 Club is given to a group of people who have enough to be happy but are never content, because they always strive for something extra, telling themselves, " if I get that, I will be happy for life".
Thanks for bearing with the long story. xD Hope you guys understand the story. See you tmr at training! Remember to wear your unit tees!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Random Stuff
Since we asked you guys to liven up your blogs, I guess we have to do so to :)
I don't really have much interesting stuff to share with all of you right now, but I shall post sth that I stumbled upon while surfing.
Some annoying orange!
Don't know abt what you guys think, but that fruit is really..................
lol. Have a great weekend! Hope to see all of you at training on Monday!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
FD revision
Please take note that FD revision for sec 2s will be conducted tomorrow after school at 2.30 pm. It is compulsory for the following people: Sean, Qi Jing, Jia Ming, Chong Ching, Lionel, Kenneth, Ryan Chiong and Ryan Tia.
Sec 1s, please do not come.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Platoon Blogs
I hope you guys remember about your platoon blogs ._.
I just went to have a look at all 3 of them, and Iota's one is dead, while Omega's and Epsilon's are well maintained. Good job to both platoons!
As such, both Omega and Epsilon are awarded 20 points!
Platoon blogs are platforms to share views about red cross or just any random interesting thing, and I hope to see everyone posting at least once by the end of this year. Of course, the first platoon to do so will receive some points, so do aim for it!
We hope that you guys maintain the blog not because of the points, but because of the joy of sharing things with your platoon! I hope that the next time any of the Sec 3s check the blogs, they will be updated with the latest stuffies!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
CCA Records Mistakes: CIP Hours
if anyone of you have mistakes in CIP hours recorded in the CCA records (ie. some events not in the list), please bring the records down and meet Mrs Maas on your own in your free time.
CCA Points
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Please be informed of the dates of future accreditations and events once again.
Take note of the change in dates for accreds / events in red and bold.
4 August (tomorrow) - RCV (B) reaccreds
6 August (this friday) - Evac (B) and OA (B) reaccreds
12 August (week 7 thursday) - FD (B) and (S) revision for both sec 1s and 2s
14 August (week 7 saturday) - Epsilon CIP (1st session)
17 August (week 8 tuesday) - Iota and Omega CIP (1st session)
18 August (week 8 wednesday) - FD (S) accreds for sec 2s
19 August (week 8 thursday) - Iota and Omega CIP (2nd session)
21 August (week 8 saturday) - Epsilon CIP (2nd session)
25 August (week 9 wednesday) - RIFA (B) accreds for sec 1s and 2s
26 August (week 9 thursday) - Epsilon CIP (3rd session)
27 August (week 9 friday) - Iota and Omega CIP (3rd session)
28 August (week 9 saturday) - Combined unit activity
30 August (week 10 monday) - RIFA (S) for sec 2s
4 September - First Aid Competition 2010
17 September - Passing out Parade / Passing out Ceremony 2010
Notice that the Iota and Omega CIP dates have been added.
Also, sec 1s will be taking their footdrill bronze in term 4. Week 9 Wednesday will be RIFA bronze accreds for both sec 1s and 2s and week 10 monday will be RIFA silver accreds for sec 2s.
Hope this gives everyone a larger picture of what is / will be happening and will help you guys to study ahead of the accreditations! Remember, if you need help, you are never alone XD
Video of the Week
Bronze Accreditations
RCV (B) - Arun, Jeremiah, Ryan Chiong and Ryan Tia
Please be reminded that the Red Cross Values Bronze Reaccreditations will be held this Wednesday's training (4 August).
OA (B) - Yue Howe, Brendon, Nirmeet, Jeremiah, Lionel, Ryan Tia
Outdoor Activities Bronze Reaccreditations will be held this Friday (6 August).
Evac (B) -Yue Howe, Rayner, Hethav, Vijay, Daniel, Nirmeet, Samuel, Arun, Jeremiah, Ryan Chiong and Ryan Tia
Casualty Evacuation Bronze Accreditations for the practical component will be held this Friday (6 August).
Without your Bronzes, you would not be able to attain your Silvers. Practise hard, study hard, ask us on the tagboard if you require any help and we're sure you can do it!
Speaking of practising, Hadi sir is holding a dance class this Thursday, 2pm outside the Albert Hong Hall. This invitation is open to EVERYONE, whether you think you can dance or not, so whoever wants to give it a shot, you know what to do :)
Sunday, August 1, 2010
HQ Gold Accreds
Bring Bandages
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Please take note that the following accreds are coming up:
RCV Bronze
RCV Bronze will be held this coming Wednesday (week 5), for anyone from B59, B60 and B61 who have yet to pass: Arun, Jeremiah, Ryan Tia, Ryan Chiong and Zawad
OA Bronze
OA Bronze will be held this coming Friday (week 5), for those in B60 and B61 who have yet to pass: Yue Howe, Jian Xing, Hetav, Allan, Yimin, Brendon, Nirmeet, David, Samuel, Arun, Jeremiah, Chong Ching, Lionel, Ryan Chiong, Ryan Tia
Week 8 Wednesday (18 August)
FD Bronze for sec 1s
FD Silver for sec 2s
Week 9 Wednesday (25 August)
RIFA Bronze for sec 1s
RIFA Silver for sec 2s
Please study for these accreds, and do refer to the Development Portfolio if you have any queries on the syllabus as well as the promotion criteria (and how these accreds come into play).
Good luck!
OA Bronze Revision
Yue Howe, Jian Xing, Hetav, Allan, Yimin, Brendon, Nirmeet, David, Samuel, Arun, Jeremiah
Chong Ching, Lionel, Ryan Chiong, Ryan Tia
Sec 2s please bring along your twine (at least 1.5m long) on Monday, Sec 1s please do so on Wednesday. Please revise your OA Bronze beforehand and clarify all doubts during the revision, as the accreds are on Friday. The syllabus is inside your Development Portfolio.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Re-edging in progress
I cordially invite you all to wait anxiously to oogle at the Re-edged marks, it is a shame we were unable to obtain the cutlery needed to stick bigger holes into them though, but they have been Re-edged, and marks have been added to the best for theory and best for practical.
Just a spoiler: Re-edging means that the points will be all reverted back to zero.
This is the list of those who passed, failed theory or failed the entire thing. Everyone, regardless of how you have fared for this, please continue to mu- i mean work hard. We wish to extend warm congratulations to those who passed and those who didn't pass, as we have utmost faith that everyone mugged and mugged and mugged. And those who didn't pass, don't be too down, you're bound to pass sooner or later if you work hard, so keep up the good work. Yep.
Those who passed:
Kian Guang
Zi Jun
Those who failed all:
Those who failed theory only:
Jian Xing
Yi Cheng
There's already a post that talks about how you should work harder but this is just trying to make it sound more important, we have no intention of nagging at you o.o
If you collect donations from a cow, there is a 50% chance you might get grass instead of money. We wish you all a happy time collecting donations.
A lot of things to note
If you have any questions or comments regarding anything, please feel free to find any friendly Sec 3 or Sec 4, I am sure we will be more than willing to help.
And there has been a change in the allocation of platoon points:
- top scorer for theory earns his platoon 40 points
- top scorer for practical earns his platoon 60 points
Do remember to continue collecting money for the pledge card along with your development portfolios every training. If you lose it, you will have to make a police report, so, try not to.
I know, this post is getting draggy and boring, so here is the photo of the week:

No chairs! Do not try this at home...
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Attendance Matters
- Those who are not able to come for a certain training due to a pre-planned event (e.g. surgery, Merit CCA, etc) must produce an excuse letter or MC (photocopies allowed) with the training excuse form personally to either Li Hong or Vatsal(for this coming week) before that training itself.
- Those who are sick and absent from school on Monday or Wednesday, or are sick in the middle of that school day (and then leave school), call Li Hong or Vatsal. Submit the training excuse form together with the MC (photocopies allowed).
- Those who are sick (e.g. indigestion) and would like to leave school at 1515, proceed to the SR Block, and report to Jeremy, who will assess the condition and decide whether or not you may leave training. Submit the training excuse form.
We are taking very seriously those who skip training without following the proper procedure. Failure to follow the proper procedure and skip training will result in you being considered absent for that training in question. Remember that attendance counts heavily in your promotion, and is a good indication of your commitment to the unit and your self-discipline. Same goes for competition supports and all other events (refer to Points 1 and 2). If there are any queries on the attendance reporting procedures, please feel free to clarify.
Friday, July 16, 2010
6Pak Race 2010
You can access this page here, but it might take a while to relink all the photos.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Muster Parade, CAC, Gold Workshop/Accreds signup, DevPorts
Please note that while the workshop would be useful as a form of revision and to let you know the RC HQ standard for the respective subject, it is NOT compulsory to attend it before attending the Accreditations. In other words, you can just go for the Accreds without going for the Workshop.
Also, please note that you must have a SILVER in the respective subject you want to take the Accreds for.
If you are interested, please email Han Sheng IC ( stating the subject you want to take and whether you want to attend the Workshop. Please note that you may not be given a slot if all the places are already filled.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Performance Night

A big thank you to all who made PN possible!
It is indeed a truly awesome event that will be remembered by RIRC and other schools for many years to come!
PN will not be possible without any one of us!
To Batch 61- thank you for your awesome Na'vi batch dance! it was very good for your first attempt! I believe that future batch performances will be better!
To Batch 60- thank you guys for that awesome dance! its amazing to see how much you all progressed from last year PN and POP! your dance was simply awesome! Extra thanks to those who choreographed the dance moves!
To Batch 59- Thanks for all the back stage work you all did! helping the sec4s with the decoration, the ushering, the performances, the videos and the souvenirs and many many more! the dance was awesome too! all of you put in so much effort in one way or another!
To Sec4s- thanks for being awesome Emcees, backstage, helping with all the preparation (yes it is tiring) and running the show tonight!
To all alumni- thanks for coming down and helping us make PN a success! we really appreciated it!
Everyone take a well deserved break tonight! and have fun watching world cup on the day off! :D