Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Photo of the Week

Arun Vs. Colin

Looks like I overestimated Arun's strength :D

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Dear all,

Please take note that the following accreds are coming up:

RCV Bronze
RCV Bronze will be held this coming Wednesday (week 5), for anyone from B59, B60 and B61 who have yet to pass: Arun, Jeremiah, Ryan Tia, Ryan Chiong and Zawad

OA Bronze
OA Bronze will be held this coming Friday (week 5), for those in B60 and B61 who have yet to pass: Yue Howe, Jian Xing, Hetav, Allan, Yimin, Brendon, Nirmeet, David, Samuel, Arun, Jeremiah, Chong Ching, Lionel, Ryan Chiong, Ryan Tia

Week 8 Wednesday (18 August)
FD Bronze for sec 1s
FD Silver for sec 2s

Week 9 Wednesday (25 August) 
RIFA Bronze for sec 1s
RIFA Silver for sec 2s

Please study for these accreds, and do refer to the Development Portfolio if you have any queries on the syllabus as well as the promotion criteria (and how these accreds come into play).

Good luck!  

OA Bronze Revision

Attention the following people who have not passed OA Bronze:

Yue Howe, Jian Xing, Hetav, Allan, Yimin, Brendon, Nirmeet, David, Samuel, Arun, Jeremiah
Chong Ching, Lionel, Ryan Chiong, Ryan Tia

Sec 2s please bring along your twine (at least 1.5m long) on Monday, Sec 1s please do so on Wednesday. Please revise your OA Bronze beforehand and clarify all doubts during the revision, as the accreds are on Friday. The syllabus is inside your Development Portfolio.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Re-edging in progress

Hello guys,

I cordially invite you all to wait anxiously to oogle at the Re-edged marks, it is a shame we were unable to obtain the cutlery needed to stick bigger holes into them though, but they have been Re-edged, and marks have been added to the best for theory and best for practical.
Just a spoiler: Re-edging means that the points will be all reverted back to zero.
This is the list of those who passed, failed theory or failed the entire thing. Everyone, regardless of how you have fared for this, please continue to mu- i mean work hard. We wish to extend warm congratulations to those who passed and those who didn't pass, as we have utmost faith that everyone mugged and mugged and mugged. And those who didn't pass, don't be too down, you're bound to pass sooner or later if you work hard, so keep up the good work. Yep.

Those who passed:
Kian Guang
Zi Jun

Those who failed all:

Those who failed theory only:
Jian Xing
Yi Cheng

There's already a post that talks about how you should work harder but this is just trying to make it sound more important, we have no intention of nagging at you o.o
If you collect donations from a cow, there is a 50% chance you might get grass instead of money. We wish you all a happy time collecting donations.

A lot of things to note

Congratulations to those who passed their Evacuation Bronze test! For you, your job does not end here, you can help those who have not passed. For those who didn't pass, continue to work hard and I am sure you will be able to pass soon. Remember, passing accreditations is necessary if you want to be promoted.

If you have any questions or comments regarding anything, please feel free to find any friendly Sec 3 or Sec 4, I am sure we will be more than willing to help.

And there has been a change in the allocation of platoon points:
- top scorer for theory earns his platoon 40 points
- top scorer for practical earns his platoon 60 points

Do remember to continue collecting money for the pledge card along with your development portfolios every training. If you lose it, you will have to make a police report, so, try not to.

I know, this post is getting draggy and boring, so here is the photo of the week:

No chairs! Do not try this at home...

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Congratulations to the CAC teams for having achieved 3rd Place for the Environmental Outreach skit competition (Category 2)! Good effort to the other half of our unit's CAC team (Category 3: Challenge Shield) as well!

...and of course, thank you to the supporters who gave the teams a part of your precious weekend to show support. I am confident the team is heartened to have so many of us around to watch them do their best.

We'd also like to congratulate the 3 Batch 59 people who have graduated from the Unit Leaders' Programme (ULP) during the Passing Out Parade (POP); Colin, Hui Jun and Vatsal. You guys have come a long way!

Have a good rest over the weekend, and see you for training tomorrow (usual place: Raja Block Foyer @ 3.30pm). BRING IT ON!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Attendance Matters

Hello everyone,

Please remember to follow the procedures regarding attendance for training. The procedure is the same as before:

  1. Those who are not able to come for a certain training due to a pre-planned event (e.g. surgery, Merit CCA, etc) must produce an excuse letter or MC (photocopies allowed) with the training excuse form personally to either Li Hong or Vatsal(for this coming week) before that training itself.
  2. Those who are sick and absent from school on Monday or Wednesday, or are sick in the middle of that school day (and then leave school), call Li Hong or Vatsal. Submit the training excuse form together with the MC (photocopies allowed).
  3. Those who are sick (e.g. indigestion) and would like to leave school at 1515, proceed to the SR Block, and report to Jeremy, who will assess the condition and decide whether or not you may leave training. Submit the training excuse form.

We are taking very seriously those who skip training without following the proper procedure. Failure to follow the proper procedure and skip training will result in you being considered absent for that training in question. Remember that attendance counts heavily in your promotion, and is a good indication of your commitment to the unit and your self-discipline. Same goes for competition supports and all other events (refer to Points 1 and 2). If there are any queries on the attendance reporting procedures, please feel free to clarify.

For those who were unable to attend CAC support, please submit your training excuse form together with proper documentation by Monday (19 July).

Also, please take note what does or does not constitute as a suitable reason for not attending training or an event. As you should know, the training excuse form requires a form of written proof (e.g. teacher's letter for RE/project matters, parent's letter for personal matters, MC for ailments, etc). Unless supported by a teacher's letter, project meetings are not an excuse for not coming.


Hi guys,
Thank you to those who turned up to support us in CAC today!
For the benefit of those who didn't come, we got 3rd for Category 2 (Environmental Outreach, or the skit), but nothing for Category 3 (Red Cross Challenge Shield, or the board game).
Hopefully everyone who turned up enjoyed our skit today, and good job to everyone else in CAC!
On a side note, as Han Sheng IC said today, there will be Evac Bronze accreds for the Sec 1s and Evac Silver accreds for the Sec 2s on Wednesday, so mug hard. And when you come for training, please bring your Development Portfolios.

Friday, July 16, 2010

6Pak Race 2010

Hooray, 6Pak Race 2010 photos are up!
Weeeell, somewhat.

There's this slight problem of the extreme file sizes of the 1000+ photos taken by your seniors, we've had to relocate them to a new Picasa page.

You can access this page here, but it might take a while to relink all the photos.

So for now, just access the respective albums here instead:

PN photos will be up soon, and i'll be posting them on facebook as well.
Also, once my big project finishes, i'll update the toolbar and slideshow :D


Monday, July 12, 2010

Muster Parade, CAC, Gold Workshop/Accreds signup, DevPorts

Dear RIRC members,

Thank you for being part of the best PN I've ever attended in my years in RIRC XD here's hoping that next year's PN will enjoy such success and (more importantly) be enjoyed by you guys!

Muster Parade
Here's a gentle reminder that there will be Muster Parade this Wednesday (T3W3, 14th July). Do prepare your uniform in advance to avoid sacrificing sleep time on Tuesday night!

CAC Support (17th July, Saturday)
Our unit's CAC teams will be exhibiting their best at the Current Affairs Competition this Saturday. Do try to keep Saturday (17th July) free and come down to support the team! We'll be giving out the consent forms this Wednesday.

Gold Modular Workshop/Accreditations (24th July & 31st July)
A Gold Modular Workshop and Gold Accreditation for Foot Drill, Evacuation, Outdoor Activities and Red Cross Values is coming up. The Workshop is on the 24th of July, while the Accreds are on the 31st of July. Both the Workshop and the Accreditations will be held at the Red Cross Campsite at Jalan Khairuddin.

Please note that while the workshop would be useful as a form of revision and to let you know the RC HQ standard for the respective subject, it is NOT compulsory to attend it before attending the Accreditations. In other words, you can just go for the Accreds without going for the Workshop.

Also, please note that you must have a SILVER in the respective subject you want to take the Accreds for.

If you are interested, please email Han Sheng IC (limhansheng@gmail.com) stating the subject you want to take and whether you want to attend the Workshop. Please note that you may not be given a slot if all the places are already filled.

Do note that a great amount of preparation is needed to go for the Gold accreditation standards -be prepared to sacrifice personal time outside of training to train up for these accreditations. You may choose to skip the accreditations and just go for the workshop to learn about HQ's methods and/or go for the October Gold Modular Accreditations instead.

Development Portfolios
Another gentle reminder to bring your Development Portfolios as well, so we can sign them and certify that you've been to training =)

Thanks, and hope you've enjoyed your long weekend! JY to the CAC teams; it's our final lap!

Video of the week

Here's the PN2010 special edition!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Performance Night

A big thank you to all who made PN possible!
It is indeed a truly awesome event that will be remembered by RIRC and other schools for many years to come!
PN will not be possible without any one of us!

To Batch 61- thank you for your awesome Na'vi batch dance! it was very good for your first attempt! I believe that future batch performances will be better!

To Batch 60- thank you guys for that awesome dance! its amazing to see how much you all progressed from last year PN and POP! your dance was simply awesome! Extra thanks to those who choreographed the dance moves!

To Batch 59- Thanks for all the back stage work you all did! helping the sec4s with the decoration, the ushering, the performances, the videos and the souvenirs and many many more! the dance was awesome too! all of you put in so much effort in one way or another!

To Sec4s- thanks for being awesome Emcees, backstage, helping with all the preparation (yes it is tiring) and running the show tonight!

To all alumni- thanks for coming down and helping us make PN a success! we really appreciated it!

Everyone take a well deserved break tonight! and have fun watching world cup on the day off! :D

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Performance Night 2010

Hey ppl,

Performance Night is gonna be held in two days time!
Remember to come down tomorrow (Friday) and on Saturday for the rehearsals at the area outside the hall/auditorium. If you go there and find the area koped (by judo or chineseorchestra or the school) your mentor will take you somewhere else.

Attire for PN (6pm-9.30pm) is strictly non-school related. Wear what you would wear to a semi-formal event. You can wear PE attire / home clothes during the rehearsal beforehand but make sure you bring a change of clothes.

Fri 09/07/2010: 1.30pm-6pm latest
Sat 10/07/2010: 2pm-5pm

Sat 10/07/2010: 6pm-9.30pm latest