Thursday, May 29, 2014

PN 2014 :O

Hey Sec 1s and 2s,

Looking forward to PN? Hope you are, and not for all the wrong reasons ( girls ;) )

Once again, here are the details for PN this Sat, 31st May.

For dancers, please report at 9am at the Raja Block Foyer in PE attire/unit tee. All dancers have been divided into 4 groups: (Any missing names or names not supposed to be there please inform Forster or Shawn sir).

Group 1 - Alvin, Isac, Yu Cai, Daniel, Jonathan Heng, Yu Hang
Dress code - Black top, black long pants

Group 2 - Joel, Shang Wen, Ruo Bin, Melvin, Tianxiang, Jee Kuen
Dress code - Earthly-coloured top (gray, brown, green, dark red), black long pants/earthly-coloured bermudas

Group 3 - Cher Wei, Hakim, Lin Hong, Sun Han, Yijie
Dress code - Red top, black long pants/blue-black jeans

Group 4 - Selwyn, Mike, Taufeeq, Chiaw Soong, Nicholas, Ryan
Dress code - Dark cap, yellow/orange top, black long pants/blue-black jeans

*for black long pants, track pants is acceptable, but not encouraged because it's ugly*

Please bring your attire in a bag so that you can change before the actual event instead of getting it dirty during dance practice in the morning. Also, please adhere to the dress code as much as possible; you don't want to be the odd one out in your dance group during the performance. If you really cannot obtain the attire, please contact either Shawn (90116564 ;)) or Forster sir (81017890)

To sum up the day's events, you guys will be learning and practicing a dance taught to you by very very friendly VIs together with cadets from another school (the schools joining us are either GIRL SCHOOLS or MIXED SCHOOLS WOW now this is getting way more exciting) till dinner (determined by your dance progress and your dance instructors), after which the actual show begins at 7pm at the Multi-Purpose Hall in Yr5-6 side. Please put in effort into your dance and do RIRC proud! For those coming late (ie after 9am), once again, please call either Shawn or Forster sir and they will give you further instructions from there.

EDIT: Please submit your excuses for PN if you cannot attend, during camp, or your promotion will be compromised. Do note that this is a COMPULSORY event.

That's all, have fun! For the last time, BRING IT ON!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Camp and POC Stuffies

Hello cadets,

A few things to address:
1. POC Invitation

Please get your parents to sign up for the promotion ceremony at this link:

The Link to the invitation is:

Please try to get them to come because it is really important as we want to show them how much you have grown since joining the cca.

2. Camp Excuses
For those who have to leave for camp at any point in time, or not coming, or are coming later, please submit your excuses to James Lao at

For those going for SMO, continue to submit your excuses, but we will make special arrangements for you.

When submitting excuses, include the time you are leaving or coming, or whether you are coming at all, and for what reason

Thanks y'all
Batch 63

Sunday, May 25, 2014

RCU Lesson

Hi Sec 2s,

You don't have to bring your rcu to training tomorrow. Instead bring it on wednesday.

Batch 63

RCU For Training Tomorrow

Sec 2s, can you guys bring your rcu to training tomorrow and change into it before training, and also bring your unit tee and pe shorts to change into afterwards, because we are going to revise with you guys how to wear your rcu and also help you guys replace missing parts of your uniform.

On a side note, those who wore unit tee to open house yesterday need not wear unit tee tomorrow.


Thursday, May 22, 2014

Camp stuff

Hi guys,

Here is the camp briefing slides and camp pack list. There are 3 documents: Briefing slides, pack list for camp and pack list for hike. The pack list for camp is for everything you need to bring and the pack list for hike is just to give you an idea about how big a day pack you should bring.

Briefing Slides:

Pack list for camp:

Pack list for hike:

Batch 63

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Parents' emails

Hi Sec 1s and 2s,

Here's the form for your parents' emails. Please fill it up by tomorrow (very easy, just an email) by tomorrow. Thanks =)


Batch 63

Open House FA Duty

Hi guys,

Please do sign up for the Open House FA Duty. There are 4 slots but you can come for more than one. If so please state in the comments box. CIP Hours will be awarded, and please come as Open House is very fun, and you may be able to do actual FA in real life (may be)!

Sec 4s can sign up too!


Batch 63

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

T2W9 Wed Training

Hi guys,

Remember that there is training tomorrow, 21 May, at the usual time, so please come because we have fun stuff planned out for you guys =D

Batch 63

Sunday, May 18, 2014

RCK Reaccreds

Hi guys,

Sec 1s and 2s who failed their RCK Bronze and Silver respectively will be having a reaccred tomorrow during training. Please do mug =).

Batch 63

Friday, May 9, 2014

Table Tennis FA Duty

Hi Guys,
There is an upcoming FA Duty on 17 May, Saturday (after marking days lol), from 9 am to 2 pm, for a Table Tennis Competition for kids with Special needs which is organised by the RI Table Tennis Team.
So for this event, the Table tennis team needs 3 first-aiders to go for FA Duty. So if anyone is interested to sign up, please email by Sunday 1200.
Thanks guys!