Saturday, May 30, 2015

Soulfire 2015 Consent Form

Hey guys,

This is the consent form for Camp Soulfire. Please print this, get it signed and bring it for camp. See you there!

Lin Hong 

Friday, May 29, 2015

Performance Night

Yo cadets,
The long-awaited annual Performance Night is coming up very soon! Remember, this is also a very good opportunity to earn platoon points that will help you for June Camp so do make good use of it grin emoticon
Reporting attire: PE kit
For the actual performance (please make sure it's comfortable for dancing, and nothing revealing/offensive) -
Epsilon - White top, black pants + Bring a working torchlight per person
Iota - Blue top, black pants
Omega - Green top, black pants
Something different this year though. You don't just get normal, boring dance instructors but now, you get heavily trained, highly skilled professional dance mentors! And they are..Randy (Omega), Aloysius(Epsilon), and myself (Iota)!
So if you have any queries, especially about the type of attire that you can wear, please contact your respective dance mentors directly. Other details about PN would be covered later on, so do look out for that as well, but this is just and update so that you guys can prepare your attire first.
- Saha (B63)

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Camp Update!

Hi guys,
Here is an update on camp packing list. The briefing slides and labelling guide have also been linked for your convenience of access.

-Labelling guide link:
-Camp Briefing Slides:
-Camp Pack List:

See you in camp! 
Bring It On

June Camp 2015: Soulfire

Hey guys, here is the packing list for Camp Soulfire. Camp details are as follows:

Reporting Time: June 02, Tuesday, 0730
Dismissal Time (B66): June 04, Thursday, 0900 (breakfast provided)
Dismissal Time (B65): June 04, Thursday, 1230 (lunch not provided)
Reporting Attire: PE Kit

For Cadets Taking SMO:

Junior/Senior Category:
Given leave from Day 1, 2230 from Red Cross Campsite.
Return to RI on Day 2, 1230.
Report to Raja foyer to Lin Hong IC.

Open Category
Dismissed from RI on Day 2, 2230.

No need to return as camp ends at 1230

NOTE: Breakfast is not provided on Day 1, so please eat your breakfast in the morning

Yeo Chiaw Soong

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Details for Cross Country FA Duty

Hi guys,

For those who are going for the cross country First Aid Duty this Friday, here are the details:

Reporting Time: 12.45 pm
Reporting Location: Auditorium Foyer
Reporting Attire: PE Attire/Unit Tee + PE shorts
Dismissal Time: 5.45 pm (6.00 pm maximum)


Thursday, May 7, 2015

Newspaper Collection 2015

Hi guys,
We would have Newspaper Collection next Wednesday (13 may) and next Saturday (16 may).

On Wednesday, we will be distributing flyers to the residents in the blocks near the school.

Date: 13 May 2015, Wednesday
Time: 3.45 pm to 6.30 pm
Reporting Location: Main Atrium, Raffles Institution
Dismissal Location: Bishan Street 12
Next Saturday, we would be collecting the materials from the residents and exchanging it for money.

Date: 16 May 2015, Saturday
Time: 7.45am to 1.30 pm
Reporting Location: Void deck of block 105 Bishan street 12
Dismissal Location: Bishan Street 12

The link to the consent form for newspaper collection is below. Pls fill this up and give it to Nicholas and Chiaw Soong Tomorrow. They would be at the back of the parade square before morning flag raising.  Please also fill in the google form to indicate your attendance and your excuses, if any. Thanks


Friday, May 1, 2015

Arena Results

Hi guys,
Hope your mugging is going well smile emoticon
Here are the results for the arena on T2W5 Monday. Iota came out top with 659 points (good job), with Epsilon coming in second with 611 points, and Omega with 437 points. There has been a lot of improvement since the last arena, and I am very glad to see that. However there are still a few major problems.
Firstly, when you are given the time to plan, you should sort out your priorities. In the case of the arena, the priority was to get everyone to zone 3 ASAP, especially the zone 1 casualty. However many of you were unable to get the zone 1 casualty out quickly enough, and you ended up in the fire. You should use the time given to plan wisely. Lay out a timeline, and make sure everyone knows what they have to do once they are inside.
Secondly, there was the problem of dealing with problems. Whenever there was a new situation, I could not tell if the team leader was giving a clear instruction, and in the end, too little was done too late and the problem was not solved, for example Omega leaving the sudden casualty in the fire. In the future, the team leader should be informed about a problem ASAP, and he should pass down instructions for a solution ASAP as well and make sure that it is carried out
Finally, there was also the problem of communication. Whenever an emergency is announced or when your team mates come with news from HQ, the message spreads very slowly. When I told the 3 people that zone 2 was going to be set on fire soon, there were still people there when the time was almost up. What you should have done is to report it to the team leader while he issues the instructions, and to help spread the info and instructions.
To summarise, next time you enter a scenario, make sure you plan wisely and make sure that problems and solutions are passed around the team quickly and effectively.
Good luck for your MYCTs!
Kuan Yang